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Reconstructing elevation histories using

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstructing elevation histories using"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstructing elevation histories using
13C-18O bonds in soil carbonates Prosenjit Ghosh (CIT) Carmala Garzione (Rochester) John M. Eiler (CIT)

2 Pieces of the Isostatic Puzzle
Uplift Elevation

3 Paleoaltimetry based on lava vesicle size
(Sahagian, 2002)

4 Botanical Paleoaltimetry
(Wolfe, 1995) Variants: • Multi-parametric correlations w/ T • Multi-parametric correlation w/ enthalpy • Physiognomic correlation w/ p(CO2)

5 ‘Conventional’ Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry
(Drummond et al., 1993; Chamberlain et al. 1999; Garzione et al., 2002) Measure Derive ? Guess

6 13C-18O ‘clumping’ in calcite: Rigorous T measurement using isotopes
40Ca13C16O3 + 40Ca12C18O16O Ca12C16O3 + 40Ca13C18O16O2 . ~1000 (keq-1) Harmonic, DFT-LDA-NCPP model; Schauble, pers. com.

7 Getting the ‘clumps’ out of the carbonate
CaCO3 + H3PO4 = gaseous CO2 + ‘CaO’ in dilute solution In the absence of any analytical fractionation, ∆47 of product CO2 Should equal ∆[13C18O16O2-2] in reactant carbonate

8 Calibration using inorganic calcite and biogenic aragonite

9 The Altiplano — a 4 km high plateau in the central Andes
After Jordan et al., 1983

10 Two independent ‘votes’ on altitude
±1se Ma Ma Today Ma Ma ±1se Ma Today Ma

11 There must be something more we can do with
two independent constraints…

12 Combined T-d18Owater constraints on altitude of the Altiplano

13 Integrated uplift history of the Altiplano

14 Conclusions Geologic evolution of the Altiplano
• Plateau rose at 1.03 ± 0.12 mm/yr between 10.3 to 6.7 Ma • This is 3x rate expected for crustal shortening driven by plate motions • Implies altitude rise occurred in response to de-lamination of dense lower crust and/or lithospheric mantle (?) • Timing coincident with change in Nazca—SA convergence, slowing of shortening across Altiplano, river incision, and other changes Broader problem of paleoaltimetry • ‘Clumped isotope’ approach appears capable of reconstructing altitude with precision of ±200 to 400 m for groups of several samples • Applicable to soil carbonates; should also be useful for lake sediments • Should be tried in southern Altiplano, Tibetan plateau, Colorado plateau

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