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Astro/Stell Star.

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1 Astro/Stell Star

2 aster “star” (astro) = a star-shaped flower the blooms in the fall. My mom has asters growing in her garden.

3 asterisk “star” (astro) + a suffix that in Greek means “little”= a little star, used in typing, points to a note. There was an asterisk next to each complex word on the test.

4 asteroid “star” (astro) + “shape” (from eidos) = something star-shaped; a star-like body in space; a small planet. NASA scientists monitor asteroids that are in our solar systems.

5 astrodome “star” (astro) + “roof” = literally, a star roof; actually, the clear dome of an airplane for viewing the sky. The pilot looked through the astrodome to observe the clouds.

6 astrologer “star” (astro) + “one who studies (-loger)= someone who studies the stars. Many astrologers consider the annual meeting of Jupiter and the sun to be the luckiest day of the year.

7 astronomy “star” (astro) + “arranging/ naming” (nomos) = arranging the stars OR science which studies stars. If you study astronomy, you might be able to get a job at NASA.

8 constellation “with” (con) + “star” (stell) + “being” = literally, a being with the stars; a group of stars. The constellation Ursa Major contains the stars of the Big Dipper.

9 disaster “not” (dis) + “star” (astro) = not a star; actually an event that’s not star-like; a calamity or a bad event. Because Brie never turns in her homework, receiving her report card was a disaster for her.

10 stellar “star” (stell) + “like” = like the stars; something that is like a star. As an astrophysicist, he studied the rate of stellar expansion in the universe.

11 stelliform “star” (stell) + “shaped like” (form) = shaped like a star. We are going to make stelliform cookies and hand them out during the chorus concert.

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