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Polarizing Coronagraph for Circumstellar Dust Observations

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1 Polarizing Coronagraph for Circumstellar Dust Observations
by Göran Olofsson, Astronomy, SU Thursday the 16th of November o'clock at FA32 Abstract The idea that there exists planetary systems other than that of the Sun is old, but it has until recently been beyond the technical feasibility to get any observational evidence for external planetary systems. By the IRAS discovery of far-IR dust emission around nearby stars, like Vega, it was realized that the dust replenishment required larger colliding or evaporating bodies, i.e. processes similar to those that provide the zodiacal dust. In addition, a steadily increasing number of planets are being found by detecting the minimal cyclic radial velocity variations of the central star caused by an orbiting planet. Obviously this (indirect) detection method works bests for heavy planets, orbiting close to their central stars, and there is an ongoing discussion what technical means it may take to do direct detection of planetary systems similar to our own. It has been argued that a new generation of extremely large ground-based telescopes (ELTs) may provide the tool for such observations (actually this is one of the main scientific drivers for the large investments required to build ELTs). But probably we have to wait for space interferometers, like Darwin, for the first detection of an Earth like planet orbiting an nearby star. Until then, much closer in time, we can explore the properties of circumstellar dust disks, and I will describe our own plans in that direction, both using Herschel Space Observatory and a 'home-made' polarizing coronagraph.

2 Vega (IRAS)

3 Disk evolution

4 Silhouette disks

5 silh2

6 silh3

7 Silh4

8 Disk evolution

9 betaPic_0.5µm

10 betaPic_10µm

11 A smooth decline of dust with time?

12 ISO view

13 Age N*/Ntot Distance (pc) Target
Spitzer sample The Spitzer sample Age N*/Ntot Distance (pc) Target

14 FEPS, only 15 stars with excess at 24 µm
Spitzer_FEPS FEPS, only 15 stars with excess at 24 µm

15 Herschel will see cold dust
Cold dust - little or plenty? ? ?

16 Disk evolution

17 The Sun+Kuiper belt at distance
Contrast ratio Ldust/Lsun

18 Planets, radial velocity

19 Orbits

20 Mass distribution

21 PSF

22 Lyot Coronagraph Focal plane Relay lens Pupil stop EMCCD

23 Seeing 0.7”, disk 1” diam Pupil image

24 Seeing 0.7” disk =1”

25 Seeing 0.7”, disk 3” diam Pupil image

26 Seeing 0.7” disk 3”

27 PSF, coronagraph

28 Observed PSF

29 Lyot Coronagraph Focal plane Relay lens Pupil stop polarizer EMCCD

30 NGC 7023

31 Image sharpening

32 Frame selection + MEM Shift-and-add, 20% MEM, 33 iterations PSF star

33 Zoom PSF star

34 betaPic

35 Gas component Gas component TW Hya, 10 Myr B Pic, Myr

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