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Do Now 12/14/09 Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 12/14/09 Answer the following questions in complete sentences:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 12/14/09 Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1.What are the three states of water? What occurs from one state to the other? (Draw a diagram to organize your thoughts) 2.Can a stream be both a meandering and braided stream? Explain. 3. Why are oceans important, how do humans use them?

2 Chp.8-3 Ocean Pollution

3 What are the sources of ocean pollution?
Pollution- The introduction of harmful waste products, chemicals, and other substances not native to an environment. Sewage Chemical Pollution Oil Pollution Solid-waste Pollution Sediment

4 Sewage Source: Result: Leaks from septic tanks.
Pumped directly by factories. Result: Sewage acts like a fertilizer creating algae blooms. Algae uses up the oxygen meant for other marine life. Ecosystem and food chains change.

5 Chemical Pollution Sources: Results:
Herbicides(wee killer) and pesticides (insect killer) get to the ocean through runoff. Factory smoke. Industrial waste (metals and mercury) Results: Sea organisms ingest harmful chemicals. Ecosystems and food chains change.

6 Oil Pollution Sources: Results:
44 % of oil in the ocean comes from land runoff. Oil tanker collisions. Leaks on offshore oil wells. Results: Ocean animals are harmed. Ecosystems and food chains are changed.

7 Solid Waste Pollution Sources: Results:
What are some sources littering you see on a daily basis? Results: Dirty beaches. Ocean animals eating plastics. Ecosystems and food chains are changed.

8 Sediment Source: Result:
Increase runoff of silt due to construction and deforestation. Result: The silt covers coral reefs and fills marshes. Safe places for ocean organisms to grow are changed.

9 Video Effects of Ocean Pollution
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences while watching the video: What role does the ocean play in human existence? What impact do carbon dioxide levels have on the ocean? What is the deadly method of fishing called? What questions should you be asking when ordering fish at a restaurant? What has the USA done to protect from over-fishing?

10 Do Now 12/15/09 Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. Categorize the following organism and explain why they belong in that category. 2. Look at the following pictures and tell which type of wetland is being shown. 3. What are the three reasons why water is important?

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