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Answer these questions in full sentences in your books:

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1 Answer these questions in full sentences in your books:
Understanding Analysis L/O: to explore and understand specifically what analysis is Answer these questions in full sentences in your books: When I ask you to “link to the question” what do I want you to do? When I ask you to “quote” what do I want you to do? What do I mean when I use the word “terminology”? What do I mean when I ask you to “link to terminology” in your answers? What do I mean when I ask you to “analyse” What do I want you to do to “explain the meaning”? What do I want you to do when you look for “obvious” meanings? What do I want you to do when you look for “hidden” meanings? What do I want you to do when I ask you to “zoom in” on a word? What do I want you to do when I ask you to “develop your link to the meaning in the quote”? What is the structure for answering questions when you are being asked to analyse the effect of the language? What does “explaining the effect” mean?

2 Understanding Analysis
Swap and Peer Assess: When I ask you to “link to the question” what do I want you to do? Use the key words in the question to begin my analysis answer: this shows that you understand what the question means and shows that you know what you am looking for in your response. When I ask you to “quote” what do I want you to do? To use evidence from the extract: quotes should mainly be short and sharp so that you can show that you focus on specific parts of the text. If you select long rambling quotes, it suggests you don’t know the effect of specific short sharp parts of the text. What do I mean when I use the word “terminology”? Terminology is the overview for using language techniques and structural techniques in your answer. So, if you refer to a ‘simile’ or a ‘short sentence’ or the ‘tone’ for example, then you are using subject specific terminology. What do I mean when I ask you to “link to terminology” in your answers? In your answer if you are using these it shows you understand the types of terminology the writer has used to create an effect. When you select a quote you should try to ensure you also use a piece of terminology to show what the quote does with the language or structure. What do I mean when I ask you to “analyse”? This means being able to explore the meaning within the text. It means you are able to look at a short quote and say what it means and why you think that. You will also, sometimes look at alternative meanings too. This is where you show full understanding of what the writer might have wanted you to know.

3 Understanding Analysis
What do I want you to do to “explain the meaning”? To examine the quote and say what you think it is telling you as a reader. Think: What is happening in the quote? And Why do I think this? You are trying to think about what the content of the text is saying and what this suggests or implies. What do I want you to do when you look for “obvious” meanings? You should say in a short and simple way what the quote is telling you. What do I want you to do when you look for “hidden” meanings? You should ‘dig under the surface’ of the quote and explain what the implied meanings are. Again, thinking: What does the reader want us to understand? Why do I think this? As this will help. What do I want you to do when I ask you to “zoom in” on a word? To select individual words from the quote or the text that stand out or have a particular impact. When you zoom in I want you to identify the type of word (verb, adverb, adjective, noun, connective) and you can also look at the connotations, which are what is suggested by the word you have selected. A good way to zoom in on a word is to use triplets to explore the meaning. What do I want you to do when you “develop your link to the meaning in the quote”? To ensure that you are writing about what the quote means with reference to the content in the text. What is the structure for answering questions when you are being asked to analyse the effect of the language? Link to Question, Link to Terminology, Quote, Meaning – Obvious and Hidden, Zoom in on words, explore effect 12. What does “explaining the effect” mean? To ensure you say what emotional response the quote you have selected creates on the reader

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