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Reusing public sector data and the link to INSPIRE

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1 Reusing public sector data and the link to INSPIRE
experience from France En 2013 : trop court mais démarrage en retard. Remplacer ‘quelles données communales » par un discours sur le Géoportail de l’urbanisme. Supprime la diapo sur « le cadre juridique de l’interopérabilité ». Marc Leobet Mission de l'information géographique CGDD/DRI MIG/LBT

2 PSI in France PSI in 2003 French over-transposition in 2005
Ministry of environment suppored it Open data arises at political level in 2007 PSI in 2013 <=> French law 2005 French over-transposition in Many contact points with INSPIRE Web, data knowledge, people... MIG/LBT

3 Why ? Rapport Trojette, 2013 publics/ pdf The benefits are most often <1 % of global budget of organizations They never exceeds 6 % 10M€ for IGN-FR Most often, the cost to manage licences > benefits The benefits are lower and lower IGN-FR : - 69 % in , eg. - 22,5M€ MIG/LBT

4 The French framework for Open data
Access and use of public data are free Including between public authorities Except for NMAs (IGN-FR & SHOM) and Meteo But their data are free for the ministries and their agencies. Sourcecode is a public data MIG/LBT

5 The way to open data for French mapping agency
2009 : free data for research and education 2011 : large scale reference data free for public authorities (when for public missions) Government adds 4,5 M€ to IGN-F's fund  : more and more IGN-F's data in open data 2017 : IGN-F's data are free for the ministries and their agencies These former «customers » fund IGN-F on basis of last purchase No gain, no pain : a books play MIG/LBT

6 Next steps Open data There is no more market for public data
The future of FR NMAs is through services Plateforms / adding value for customers In a clear framework of licences : Open licence, ODbL MIG/LBT

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