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Match the following atomic model with sicentists

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Presentation on theme: "Match the following atomic model with sicentists"— Presentation transcript:

1 You have learned how to write electron configuration… Let’s learn exactly what they represent!

2 Match the following atomic model with sicentists
Bohr Thomson Dalton Rutherford

3 John Dalton Atom=solid indivisible mass

4 J.J. Thomson Plum-pudding model
Negatively charged electrons stuck into a lump of positively charged material Explain about electrical properties of atom

5 Ernest rutherford Most of atom’s mass is concentrated in a small positively charged region called nucleus But doesn’t explain why atom doesn’t collapse

6 Niels Bohr Electrons travel in definite orbits around the nucleus
Energy level; region around the nucleus where the electron is likely moving Quantum =amt of energy required to move an electro from its present energy level to the next higher one Higher energy level>>more energetic

7 Quantum Mechanical Model-Schrodinger
Doesn’t define exact path an e- takes place Energy level=principal quantum numbers (n) Estimates the probability of finding an electron in certain position Thicker the cloud>>more likely to find e-

8 Principal quantum number
=energy level N=1,2,3….. N increase>>farther from nucleus Within each principal energy level, the e- occupy …

9 Energy sublevels Principal Energy Levels Number of sublevels Sublevels
1 S N=2 2 S,P N=3 3 S,P,D N=4 4 S,P,D,F

10 Atomic orbitals Different shape of electron cloud where you are more likely to find How many orbital are in the 2nd energy level? How many e- in 3rd energy level? Type of sublevel Number of orbitals S 1 P 3 D 5 f 7

11 For the rest of the class
Let’s practice more on electron configuration! Electron configuration battleship wkst

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