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Staffing & Deployment – Equitable Distribution

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1 Staffing & Deployment – Equitable Distribution

2 Equitable Distribution
Content in Context How do you ensure the best teachers to the students and schools who need them most? Equitable Distribution 

3 What is Equitable Distribution?
Equitable Distribution is a deliberate and systematic structure of selecting, staffing, incentivizing, and grouping teachers and principals within and across schools with the aim of closing achievement and opportunity gaps A number of complementary factors impact how effective teachers and principals are distributed within and across schools. Attending to one factor below, without addressing others may yield insufficient results Principal leadership Working conditions Principal and teacher assignments - novice and experienced staff placement Transfers - involuntary and voluntary transfers by seniority, etc. Lockstep pay structures HR policies/processes - hiring timelines, timing of transfer periods, reduction in force, etc. Opportunities/incentives for working in high-needs schools HR policies and processes may be a result of collective bargaining contracts that need revision Strategic or Not

4 Ways of Measuring Equity
Between Schools Within Schools Access to effective teachers across schools % of effective teachers by high/low-needs designation Distribution of highly-effective teachers Other indicators used % of vacancies and turnover in high/low-needs schools (stability of staff) Pre-service measures such as scoring on national tests (like Praxis) or SAT scores Effectiveness of principal Access to effective teachers across classes Level of effectiveness or experience of teacher compared to their assignment of students (Miami-Dade study) % of minority/high-needs students taught by secondary teachers with deep content knowledge (subject majors or advanced degrees) Students assigned to first-year teachers May Not be Reproduced Without Express Permission from USHCA, Inc.

5 Why is This Important? Equitable Distribution
No matter how you “define” teacher effectiveness, low-income, minority and lower achieving students end up with the least effective teachers* Value-added Teacher experience Licensing scores Equity challenges exists across and within districts and schools* Human capital policies can help or hinder equitable distribution efforts Strategic or Not Goldhaber, Theobald, & Lavery, 2015

6 Keep in Mind Things to Remember
There is no silver bullet – multiple factors impact equitable distribution and must be addressed Begin by looking at your data to understand your challenges – looking within and across schools Differentiate services to provide additional supports to schools with the greatest inequities Strategic or Not

7 Making Connections Related Content
Levers for Impacting Equitable Distribution Highlights key district practices and policies that impact equitable distribution of teachers and principals from the Teacher and Principal ABC Tools Guiding Questions for Equitable Distribution Conversations Offers guiding questions district teams can use to hold conversations about equitable distribution Differentiated Services to Schools Establishes well-rounded criteria for identifying High-Needs or Highest-Needs schools in the school district, and then provides samples of differentiated services options to drive improved talent and performance Power Metrics Provides the top metrics HR/HC must measure and use to support and improve the quality of teachers, principals, and HR/HC services within the district

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