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Youth Employment Initiative

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1 Youth Employment Initiative
State of play on structured data reporting 2014 ESF TWG, Riga, 2 June 2015

2 Art 19(3) ESF Reg. As from April 2015 and for subsequent years, at the same time as the AIR, the MA shall transmit electronically to the COM structured data for each PA or part of PA supported by the YEI. Indicator data shall relate to values for Annex I and II ESF/YEI indicators. Data shall relate to partially or fully implemented operations.

3 State of play – reports submission
• Reports have been submitted by the MS in April-May for 29 out of 33 adopted YEI OP (CZ OP only adopted in May so no report formally required). 3 reports (2 FR OP and 1 UK OP) are still not submitted. 6 reports have been returned to the MS with a request for further information as reports are incomplete

4 Overall achievements, key figures for 2014
13,000 participants completed a YEI intervention (this includes unemployed, long-term unemployed and inactive young persons); 8,400 young people received an offer of employment, continued education, a traineeship or an apprenticeship upon leaving the YEI intervention; 6,400 participants are in education/training, gain a qualification or are in employment, including self-employment, upon leaving the YEI intervention. 873 MEUR allocated to projects on the ground.

5 Reported data Only a few MS (ES, IT, PT, SE, LV, BE) report on financial figures and on achievement progress under the OP indicators. Sometimes significant participation reported but no or limited completion yet (actions started recently. A number of MS report more encouraging qualitative information for 2015 (not featuring in the structured data). => signs of significant mobilisation of YEI since beginning of 2015

6 Reported data (cntd.) Some MS also reported ESF results for the PA concerned – not required Learning process: - reporting of ratios/ numbers N.B. for ESF/YEI common indicators – as measurement unit in the OP is a number, must report numbers attaching documents in SFC - data must also be entered manually! ESF Evaluation Partnership mtg: 10 June

7 Next steps to YEI implementation
Speed up the establishment of structures to manage YEI (esp. in the case of new ones) Ensuring the functioning of the payment and certification cycle on the ground Designation of authorities for OPs Allocating sufficient administrative capacity (notably human resources) of structures implementing YEI measures – PES, local authorities, etc.

8 Thank you!

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