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Orangutan By Erin.

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Presentation on theme: "Orangutan By Erin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orangutan By Erin

2 Physical Characteristics
Face looks like a humans face Shaggy brownish red Hair Chilin

3 Habitat/Diet That’s play!
Once found in indo, China, Malaysia and maybe India Diet consists of fruit including Jackfruit, lynches, mangos, and figs That’s play!

4 Why its endangered? I’m tired
The trees are getting cut down and that’s their habitat Getting hunted even though it’s illegal I’m tired

5 How we can help? Funky monkey
Recycle paper so we don’t cut down their homes Donate money to wildlife funds Reading and finding out more on orangutans Funky monkey

6 Fun Facts!!! An average male weighs 50-90 kg
Males usually get s??????y active around 12 years old An average female weighs kg Just hangin around

7 bibliography Thanks for watching A True Book Of Orangutans
The True Orangutan Thanks for watching

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