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Mrs. Kelley Language Arts Team Perseverance

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1 Mrs. Kelley Language Arts Team Perseverance
Classroom Procedures Mrs. Kelley Language Arts Team Perseverance

2 Directions for Guided Notes
The organizer has 2 columns: Left= pictures related to the classroom procedure Right= where you take notes (what you should remember or know for class) *Pay attention to each slide and write what belongs in each space. These are notes, so don’t feel like you have to write everything. Focus on the IMPORTANT bits of information.

3 Where should I be lined up for language arts?
Along the wall by the library (across from my doorway) Single file (1 behind the other) Facing the front *Voice level 0

4 What should I be doing when language arts begins?
Sitting in your ASSIGNED seat Doing the bell ringer (a task displayed on the screen for you to write on your paper) Copying your homework in your agenda…if there is no homework, write NONE *Voice level 0

5 Pencil sharpening and throwing away trash
Please raise your hand to get permission to sharpen your pencil or throw away trash (same thing for getting tissues) A great time to sharpen your pencil is at the beginning of class during bell ringer time Only 1 person at a time at sharpener Try to always have extra pencils sharpened and ready to go in your pencil organizer

6 Supplies for class FSMS Agenda
3-ring binger (filled with loose leaf paper) 5 dividers (syllabus and procedures, bell ringers, vocab, notes, homework/daily, and handouts) Pencil pouch with plenty of pencils Composition notebook Bring these to class every day!

7 Computer rules Use only your assigned computer number
Treat computers carefully and respectfully. They are expensive. Carry with TWO hands! Work on ONLY tasks you have been assigned When using the Internet, go to only approved websites When finished, shut down, put in appropriate slot in the cart, and plug it up If you have computer problems, be patient until they are resolved

8 If I am absent, how do I find out what I missed?
First, look at the Agenda section of the board to see what homework you missed (copy it down in your Agenda) Second, check the “What Did I Miss?” folder for any worksheets or handouts Third, copy the bell ringer that you missed from a neighbor, along with any notes that were given Last, ask Mrs. Kelley if there is anything else that you missed You have 3 class days to turn your completed work. Turn it into the “late basket,” fill out the late work sheet, and staple it on top of your assignment It is your responsibility to turn in your missed work…I will not ask for it! If your work is not turned in by the 3rd day, you will receive a “0”

9 Agenda…what should I write in it every day?
Write your homework assignment in your agenda every day (it will be posted in the “Agenda” section on the board) In order to leave class…you MUST HAVE YOUR AGENDA When I sign an Agenda, all I want to do is sign my name Before bringing an Agenda to me, please fill it out with the date, the time you are leaving, and your destination Please do not interrupt my talking or instruction(unless it’s an emergency)

10 Where do I turn in completed work?
Turn in your completed work in the basket on the back table (they are labeled for each class period) If your work is LATE, turn it into the basket that is labeled “Late Work” at the front of the class If you are turning in LATE work, complete the “late work” sheet, staple it on top of your assignment, and place it in the basket ***Late work will only receive ½ credit ***Late work will not be accepted upon completion of that unit’s summative assessment

11 What should I do if I do not understand something?
If at any time you are confused or do not understand something, please raise your hand and ask for help However, I want to spend my time helping students who need it. I don’t like repeating myself to people who just didn’t pay attention Please do not leave class unsure of concepts It is YOUR job to speak up and ask for help Don’t put extra stress on your parents by expecting them to teach you something that they were not in class to hear themselves

12 How do I sign up for after school help?
I always am willing to stay after school with you if you need a quiet place to work, if you want to complete work with me so you can ask for help, if you need to complete missing work, or if you need to take a make-up test To sign up for After-School Help, sign up on the Sign Up sheet against the wall behind the door After school help is from 3:00-4:00 (Tuesday & Thursday) If you don’t signup, I may not be here after school that day

13 How are inappropriate behaviors handled?
If a student does not follow classroom procedures, classroom rules and expectations, or our Guidelines for Success policy, students will receive a T-3 card T-3 card (Time to Think) Student will IMMEDIATELY fill out the T-3 card and answer questions about their behavior Student will then give the T-3 card back to their teacher Each T-3 card counts 3 points off of your conduct grade A student could only get 3 T-3 cards in language arts (during the entire 9 weeks) and still have an A in conduct

14 Consequences for T-3 cards
1 card = 3 points off of your conduct 2 cards = 3 more points off of your conduct 3 cards = (This is your “wake-up” call) Meeting with all of your teachers and a phone call home to inform your parents/guardians of your behaviors (plus 3 more points off your conduct) 4 cards = TIP (Team Isolation Program) Students will work in a designated teacher’s classroom for the day. In other words, you will not travel with your classmates to any classes. It is a day of work and reflection. (3 more points off your conduct grade) 5 cards = TIP (same as above) 6 cards = Office referral ***Some behaviors may require skipping the T-3 card process and going straight to the office

15 How can I check out a book from Mrs. Kelley’s shelf?
To borrow a book, sign the Check Out List that will be posted on the shelves Write your name, book title, AND date Return books promptly! Return the book to your classroom librarian…they will mark your name off of the list at that time

16 How do I earn CATS cards? Any time you demonstrate Guidelines for Success behaviors, you will be rewarded with a CATS card I will sign the CATS card, and you will fill everything else in (first and last name & date) Drop them in the blue boxes in the hallway They can earn you prizes and treats if your CATS card is drawn out for our weekly drawing I LOVE to give out CATS cards, so every day show me your best behaviors and participation!

17 When “nature” calls… You have 2 scheduled restroom breaks in your day, so please plan accordingly At times, I realize that an “emergency” may occur In the event of an emergency, fill out your agenda (date, time, and destination) If you leave class to go to the restroom, you will have to use your hall pass

18 When can I use my “hall pass?”
You will receive 1 hall pass each 9 weeks If you forget something in your locker or have a bathroom “emergency,” you may use your hall pass to leave with no penalty Fill out your hall pass (your name and date) and give it to me If you do NOT use your hall pass during the 9 weeks, it will turn into bonus points!

19 What do I do if our class has a visitor?
If someone enters the classroom while I am teaching, you need to remain at a voice level 0 If I have to stop instruction to talk to the visitor, remain in your seat at a voice level 0 If you are working on something (group work or independent work), continue your task and remain at the appropriate voice level

20 Phone calls or announcements
When the classroom phone rings, you are to immediately go to voice level 0 I need to be able to clearly hear the person calling, so there should be no talking The same applies for when an announcement is made…voice level 0

21 Expectations for emergency drills
We will practice fire, tornado, earthquake, and lock-down drills throughout the year All drills are to be taken seriously You are expected to practice these drills at a voice level 0

22 What if I finish my classwork early?
If you finish your classwork before language arts is over, you are to get your AR book out and read the remainder of class You are expected to keep yourself busy the entire time Sitting in your seat doing nothing, drawing pictures, working on other assignments from other classes, or chatting with neighbors is not acceptable behavior

23 How do I know when class is dismissed?
I dismiss you…NOT the bell Before you leave the room, please do the following: In a timely fashion, gather all of your things Push your chair in Exit the classroom

24 Classroom Procedures…
Keep your guided notes sheet in your language arts binder!

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