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What is Friendship?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Friendship?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Friendship?

2 Relationship with those whom you hold dear – beloved (Philos)
Jonathan – David : “Souls knit together” (I Sam. 18:1) What is Friendship?

3 Relationship with those whom you hold dear – beloved (Philos)
Jonathan – David : “Souls knit together” (I Sam. 18:1) What is Friendship? Relationship with those to whom you can go in time of need (Acts 27:3)

4 Relationship with those whom you hold dear – beloved (Philos)
Jonathan – David : “Souls knit together” (I Sam. 18:1) What is Friendship? Relationship with those to whom you can go in time of need (Acts 27:3) Relationship with those who walk in the truth (3 Jn.3:3-4, 5-8, 14)

5 A Friend Of God Abraham: His life was a close walk with God (2 Chron. 20:7, Isa. 41:8) James 2:23

6 A Friend of God – James 2:23 One who lives a life “of faith” (Gen. 15:6)

7 A Friend of God – James 2:23 One who lives a life “of faith” (Gen. 15:6) One whose faith is manifested by “works” (Jms 2:24)

8 A Friend of God – James 2:23 One who lives a life “of faith” (Gen. 15:6) One whose faith is manifested by “works” (Jms 2:24) One whose faith is “obedience of faith” (Jms. 2:20-22, Gen. 22)

9 A Friend of God – James 2:23 One who lives a life “of faith” (Gen. 15:6) One whose faith is manifested by “works” (Jms 2:24) One whose faith is “obedience of faith” (Jms. 2:20-22, Gen. 22) One who obeys when faith demands “sacrifice” (Heb. 11:17-19)

10 Friends of God – John 15:13 Those who “obey” – “do the things I command you” (Jn. 15:14)

11 Friends of God – John 15:13 Those who “obey” – “do the things I command you” (Jn. 15:14) Those close to the Lord in knowledge (Jn. 15:15)

12 Friends of God – John 15:13 Those who “obey” – “do the things I command you” (Jn. 15:14) Those close to the Lord in knowledge (Jn. 15:15) Those who walk as “Jesus walked” (I Jn. 2:6) Those who follow Jesus’ “example” (I Pet. 2:21-23) Those who have the “mind of Christ” (Phil. 2:4-5)

13 Jesus’ walk, example, mind…
Gathered where people gathered for worship – Synagogues (Lk. 4:16, Matt. 4:13, 23)

14 Jesus’ walk, example, mind…
Gathered where people gathered for worship – Synagogues (Lk. 4:16, Matt. 4:13, 23) When we travel, do we make it a point to worship with the saints in that locality?

15 Jesus’ walk, example, mind…
Gathered where people gathered for worship – Synagogues (Lk. 4:16, Matt. 4:13, 23) When we travel, do we make it a point to worship with the saints in that locality? The first day of the week friends of God gather to partake of the Lord’s supper (Acts 20:7,6)

16 Jesus’ walk, example, mind…
Gathered where people gathered for worship – Synagogues (Lk. 4:16, Matt. 4:13, 23) When we travel, do we make it a point to worship with the saints in that locality? The first day of the week friends of God gather to partake of the Lord’s supper (Acts 20:7,6) There are friends of God to strengthen in the Lord (I Sam. 23:16, Heb. 10:24-25)

17 Jesus’ walk, example, mind…
Gathered where people gathered for worship – Synagogues (Lk. 4:16, Matt. 4:13, 23) When we travel, do we make it a point to worship with the saints in that locality? The first day of the week friends of God gather to partake of the Lord’s supper (Acts 20:7,6) There are friends of God to strengthen in the Lord (I Sam. 23:16, Heb. 10:24-25) Friends of God sacrifice in faith – Abraham

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