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US Government.

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1 US Government

2 Why is this class important?
graduation requirement must pass the IL Constitution Test and the US Constitution Test understand your rights and duties understand how government/politics work produce students with the ability and desire to become great American citizens

3 Learning Goals - The ideals and beliefs shared by Americans and the meaning of citizenship
Essential Questions - 1. What does it mean to be an American today? 2. What rights are offered to American citizens and what are they granted in exchange for these rights?

4 Learning Goals - The historical, cultural, and philosophical foundations of the U.S. government system. Essential Questions - 1. What historical documents, political figures and philosophical ideas laid the groundwork for our form of government?

5 Learning Goals - The U.S. Constitution and the components and balances of the federal government
Essential Questions - 1. What are the basic principles of American government? 2. How does the Constitution impact Americans? 3. How is the power of government distributed and balanced under the Constitution?

6 Learning Goals - The importance and relevance of the Bill of Rights and amendments in the past and today Essential Questions - 1. Why does our constitution still work today, over two hundred years after it was written? 2. What challenges exist in protecting the rights of citizens and meeting the American ideal?

7 Learning Goals - The role and development of political parties and the election process in our two-party system Essential Questions - 1. What is the role of a citizen in a democracy? 2. How can citizens participate in the political process?

8 Learning Goals - Understand state and local government in order to understand how public policy is formed and why it is important to participate in local government. Essential Questions - 1. How can citizens affect or influence public policy at the state and local levels? 2. What are the roles of citizens in state and local government?

9 What is Government? Definition -
A governing body and/or group of people which govern a nation, state, or community. It sets and administers public policy and exercises executive, political, and sovereign power through laws, institutions, and traditions.

10 Different Types of Government?
Democracy Dictatorship Communist Socialist Monarchy Republic

11 Sections of the US Government?
Executive Judicial Legislative System of checks and balances so not one branch becomes more powerful than the others


13 Exit Slip What is a new law you would like to see our Government approve? What is a new law you agree or disagree with? Do both questions or choose one! Thanks for your participation today!

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