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Is the Bermuda Triangle normal waters? Or is that area different

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1 Is the Bermuda Triangle normal waters? Or is that area different
By Zachary

2 About The Bermuda Triangle
As you can see the Bermuda Triangle is located in between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. It stretches across 440,000 miles of sea. Its waters are crossed regularly, but the danger still remains that many planes and ships have gone missing in this area, many of them never to be found, and many of the passengers and crew have never been seen again. Many people have tried to come up with explanations about why so many ships and planes have disappeared without a trace . One of these such theories is that methane gas blow out below the ocean causing ships to sink, or electronic fog engulfing aircrafts and taking it to unknown places, hurricanes destroying boats and planes and many more curious explanations.

3 Stories about the triangle
In 1945, five fighter bombers(USA) went on a training missing in the Bermuda triangle and they were never returned to the united states. In 1918 a massive cargo ship vanished with more than 300 members of crew on board, this was one of the biggest loss of life in the Bermuda Triangle. In October 1, 2015, a cargo ship which had 33 members on board was sailing in the triangle when a hurricane hit the ship and contact was lost with the land, then hurricane ceased and the ship was lost, but then it was found with no people on board, nobody knew what happened. In 1880, a ship, called Ellen Austin found a derelict ship and began towing it back to the shore, but a storm appeared and the two ships were separated, after the storm the Ellen Austin returned back to London, however when the ship got back the crew inside were completely different from the crew that set off at the harbour.

4 Stories and facts about the triangle
. An aircraft disappeared after recently taking of at Bermuda airport, another plane vanished when it was about to land, also an aeroplane somehow disintegrated due to a sudden thunderstorm. When Christopher Columbus was travelling through he saw great flames on the water, saw a strange, gloomy light and reported that his compass was not working which was very odd. There has been many different explanations about what is causing all the ships and planes to go missing and what has taken many lives over the years. In the last century alone, over one thousand people have been killed/lost in the Bermuda triangle and nobody knows how it happened. These mysteries have happened in the modern world and long before that.

5 Explanations of the Triangle
Many of these disappearances do have easy explanations such as, planes just running out of fuel and plummeting into the deep sea below never to be found again. But, there are some cases, such as the ship setting sail and then returning with a completely different crew, which are almost impossible to explain. The explanation could have been that pirates took the ship and killed the crew, but that is doubted. You may be thinking that all these mysteries could have happened anywhere in the sea, but there is an extraordinary amount of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle (also known as the devils triangle, the name given to it because of how many people have been killed there). Some people believe that the triangle is so dangerous for so many different reasons, but, there are still people who still believe that the Bermuda Triangle is no more dangerous than any other part of Ocean or sea.

6 Conclusion I will conclude this project by going back to the starting question. Is the Bermuda Triangle normal waters? Or is that area different Throughout this project I have been deciding whether the Bermuda Triangle really is any more dangerous than other waters around the world. Here is a run through of some of the facts: Over 1000 ships and planes have gone missing there Although it is big, compared to other water areas it isn't that big. On average 20 yachts and 4 aircrafts go missing every year So far, there has been no explanation to the mysteries that have been proved right. Finally to conclude my project I have discovered that the Bermuda Triangle is indeed my dangerous than other areas of sea and Ocean.

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