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FFT analysis Goal : Energy calibration ( systematic error estimation)

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Presentation on theme: "FFT analysis Goal : Energy calibration ( systematic error estimation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 FFT analysis Goal : Energy calibration ( systematic error estimation)
problem study Ni Ka1 lower energy tail Excess between Ni Ka and Kb Excess between Ti Ka and Kb Systematic mean shift in self trigger (after gain correction) Systematic mean shift in E549 trigger Odd-even effect Integral / differential non-linearity To reduce background noise(1,2,3) FOUT cut REF scaler (pile-up event cut) Flash ADC Fit method (1,2,3,4,5) Response function Lower tail component Upper tail component (pile-up) Energy calibration for short period (shift-by-shift) data set grouping using pedestal stability Cu contamination Wilkinson ADC (6) FFT analysis Rebin = 8

2 FFT of comparator-type ADC spectrum (for all region, Nbin=4096)
Almost no “16” component Rebin=8 All region 2 FFT 4 8 PH ADC (self) [ch] All region FFT Simulated ADC spectrum (with similar statistics) No odd-even effect.

3 FFT of comparator-type ADC spectrum (for all region, Nbin=512 Rebin=8)
PH ADC (self) [ch] FFT Simulated ADC spectrum The (odd-even) effect could be negligible with “Rebin=8”.

4 FFT of comparator-type ADC spectrum (for flat region)
SDD#1, Self triggered events, E570 2nd cycle all data (Run# (154run)) FFT FFT PH ADC (self) [ch] 512 bin Select flat region

5 No “16” component Odd-Even effect Flat region
2 (=512/256) 256 192 4 8 160 128 64 Flat region : 3000ch ~ 3256ch (total 256 bin) No “16” component

6 Check all SDD’s spectra (SDD#1-8)
For SDD#1 - 8 Self triggered events E570 2nd cycle all data (Run# (154run)) Select flat region (NBIN=512, 3000<ch<3512) Statistics  Normalized

7 SDD #1-4 SDD1 SDD2 SDD3 SDD4

8 SDD #5-8 SDD5 SDD6 SDD7 SDD8

9 Rebin = 2

10 Rebin=2, SDD #1-4

11 Rebin=2, SDD #5-8

12 Rebin = 4

13 Rebin=4, SDD #1-4

14 Rebin=4, SDD #5-8

15 Rebin = 8

16 Rebin=8, SDD #1-4

17 Rebin=8, SDD #5-8

18 For Wilkinson-type ADC

19 FFT of Wilkinson-type ADC spectrum (for all region, Nbin=4096)
(NOT low 3bits inverting) SDD#1, Self triggered events, E570 2nd cycle all data (Run# (154run)) 2 (=512/256) Odd-Even effect FFT 4 No “8” component

20 FFT of Wilkinson-type ADC spectrum (for flat region)
blue : Raw spectra Black : low 3bits inverting SDD#1, Self triggered events, E570 2nd cycle Run# (3run) … about 7hours FFT No “8” component 512 bin Select flat region

21 Rebin = 2, 4 (w/ low 3bits inverting)
The (odd-even) effect could be negligible with “Rebin=4”.

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