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Course Name and Number The Basics Semester: Days/Times: Location:

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1 Course Name and Number The Basics Semester: Days/Times: Location:
Semester: Days/Times: Location: Course Learning Outcomes When you finish this course, you will be able to: Outcome #1 Outcome #2 Outcome #3 Outcome #4 Course Description

2 What We’ll Do Instructor Instructor: Phone: Email:
Web site/Social media: Office: Office hours:

3 All other course material will be provided in Blackboard.
What You’ll Need 1 Books 2 Other 3 Other 4 Other All other course material will be provided in Blackboard. 5 Other

4 Your Grade These items will contribute to your grade in this course. Choose an item below for more details. Attendance and Participation - XX% Assignment 1 - XX% Exam - XX% Assignment 2 - XX% Presentation - XX% Final Exam - XX% Grading scale: Percentage Grade 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 59% and below F

5 Course Schedule Disclaimer Week Topic Assignment and Readings 1 2 3 4
This syllabus is provided for informational purposes regarding anticipated course content and schedule of courses. It is based on the most recent information available on the date of its issuance and is as accurate and complete as possible. I reserve the right to make any changes necessary and/or appropriate and will make every effort to communicate any changes in a timely manner through , Blackboard and in class. Students are responsible for staying up to date on any changes to the syllabus that may occur during the term of this course. Week Topic Assignment and Readings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Final exam

6 Find Help Course Policies University Policies
Review these UTSA student services to find academic, financial and personal resources. Choose the links below to review each course policy. Communication Preparation and Participation Blackboard Electronic Devices Submission of Coursework Quality of Work Audio/Video Recording Religious Holidays Course Evaluation Classroom Conduct and Civility Excused Absences Make-up Exams Late Work Extra Credit Incompletes Read these required UTSA policies.

7 Roadrunner Creed The University of Texas at San Antonio is a community of scholars where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration, and innovation are fostered. As a Roadrunner, I will: Uphold the highest standards of academic and personal integrity by practicing and expecting fair and ethical conduct; Respect and accept individual differences, recognizing the inherent dignity of each person; Contribute to campus life and the larger community through my active engagement; and Support the fearless exploration of dreams and ideas in the advancement of ingenuity, creativity, and discovery. Guided by these principles now and forever, I am a Roadrunner!

8 Attendance and Participation
Text Back

9 Assignment 1 Text Back

10 Exam Text Back

11 Assignment 2 Text Text Back

12 Presentation Text Back

13 Final Exam Text Text Back

14 Course Policies Back Blackboard Text Electronic Devices Communication
Electronic Devices Communication Text Preparation and Participation Back

15 Course Policies Submission of Coursework Text Back

16 Course Policies Back Course Evaluation Text
Classroom Conduct and Civility Quality of Work Text Audio/Video Recording Religious Holidays Back

17 Course Policies Back Excused Absences Text Make-up Exams Late Work
Make-up Exams Late Work Text Extra Credit Incompletes Back

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