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Student Powerpoint to accompany Activity 4.2

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1 Student Powerpoint to accompany Activity 4.2
Carbon Flux Worksheet Student Powerpoint to accompany Activity 4.2

2 Let’s Make a Graph Fluxes occur over time. In this Activity, we will record how carbon atoms move from one pool to another over two years. We will do this under four environmental scenarios: Scenario 1: fluxes are balanced Scenario 2: winter and summer (tables 1 & 6) Scenario 3: trees are planted (tables 2, 4 & 7) Scenario 4: drought (tables 3, 5 & 8) Introduce students to the 4 scenarios of the Activity. A flux occurs over time. Here, we will consider carbon fluxes over the period of one year. Have students record the fluxes, or the number of carbon atoms that move between pools in one year. Use Slide 9 to introduce the Activity’s main task: making graphs that show carbon fluxes between the atmosphere (inorganic carbon) and producer (organic carbon) pools.

3 Scenario 1: Fluxes are balanced
During this year, fluxes are balanced! This means that photosynthesis happens at the same rate as cellular respiration. Photosynthesis Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State UniversityHave students complete Scenario 1: Fluxes are balanced. Use Slides for Scenario 1. Have students play through the first scenario, in which carbon fluxes are balanced. This round includes scaffolding for students and walks them through the graphing process. The following three scenarios provide less support, so use the first round to assess how well students are translating the data from the presentation onto the graphs on their worksheet. Use Slides to introduce students to the fluxes in this scenario. Because the fluxes are balanced, photosynthesis and cellular respiration occur at the same rate. inorganic carbon Cellular Respiration

4 Scenario 1: Fluxes are balanced
Every year, 200 carbon atoms go through photosynthesis. This means plants are growing! Every year 200 carbon atoms go through cellular respiration by plants, animals or decomposers. This means plants, animals, or decomposers are moving! Photosynthesis Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to introduce students to the fluxes in this scenario. Because the fluxes are balanced, photosynthesis and cellular respiration occur at the same rate. inorganic carbon Cellular Respiration

5 Scenario 1: Start Record data for the Start:
Make a Prediction: how will pools change size in 2 years? 200 per year Record data for the Start: 800 carbon atoms start in the inorganic pool. 400 carbon atoms start in the organic pool. Photosynthesis 800 400 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Show Slide 12 to have students make a prediction about how the pools will change in two years if the fluxes are balanced. Cellular Respiration 200 per year

6 Scenario 1: Fluxes are Balanced
On your worksheet, use the triangle, circle, and square shapes to show how many carbon atoms are in each pool at the beginning of the scenario. Then, record data for Year 1 and Year 2. 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Number of Carbon Atoms Start Year 1 Year 2 Scenario 1: Fluxes are Balanced 400 atoms start in the organic pool 800 atoms start in the inorganic pool There are a total of 1200 atoms in both pools = Total Carbon Atoms = Atoms in Organic Pool = Atoms in Inorganic Pool Credit: Michigan State University Use Slide 13 to guide them through their initial recordings. Have them record their “start” data on their worksheet for scenario 1. They will use a square, circle, and triangle to represent the number of carbon atoms in each pool. Slide 13 shows what their chart should look like at the beginning of round 1.

7 Scenario 1: Year 1 Record data for Year 1: 200 carbon atoms move into the organic pool. 200 carbon atoms move out of the organic pool. Photosynthesis 800 800 790 790 810 800 800 410 400 400 400 390 410 400 170 180 190 160 200 100 150 120 110 140 130 30 20 40 10 50 90 80 70 60 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Show the animation on Slide 14 to help students begin to complete the data in the graphs on their worksheet. Use Slides to present new data for the students to record on their graph. inorganic carbon 200 190 110 130 120 100 140 150 170 160 180 50 30 20 10 90 40 80 70 60 Cellular Respiration

8 Scenario 1: Year 2 Record data for Year 2: 200 carbon atoms move into the organic pool. 200 carbon atoms move out of the organic pool. Photosynthesis 800 800 790 790 810 800 800 410 400 400 400 390 410 400 170 180 190 160 200 100 150 120 110 140 130 30 20 40 10 50 90 80 70 60 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to present new data for the students to record on their graph. inorganic carbon 200 190 110 130 120 100 140 150 170 160 180 50 30 20 10 90 40 80 70 60 Cellular Respiration

9 Scenario 1: Compare your results!
Draw lines connecting the triangles on your graph. Do the same for the squares, and then the circles. Summarize what is happening to the size of the pools in your own words to a partner. Compare your graph with your partner’s graph. Are they the same? Why or why not? Finally, display Slides to have students compare their results to their partner’s graph.

10 Scenario 1: Compare your results!
1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Number of Carbon Atoms Start Year 1 Year 2 Scenario 1: Fluxes are Balanced 400 atoms start in the organic pool 800 atoms start in the inorganic pool There are a total of 1200 atoms in both pools = Total Carbon Atoms = Atoms in Organic Pool = Atoms in Inorganic Pool Finally, display Slides to have students compare their results to their partner’s graph.

11 Scenario 2: Summer to Winter
How do you think carbon fluxes change during summer and winter? Have students complete scenario 2: Winter and Summer Have students record data for the final scenarios, and also make predictions about the future. Use Slide 18 to introduce Scenario 2: summer and winter. Credit: Hannah Miller, Michigan State University

12 Scenario 2: Start (End of Winter)
Record your data for the start, which is the end of winter: 800 carbon atoms start in the inorganic pool. 400 carbon atoms start in the organic pool. Photosynthesis 700 773 707 733 800 767 760 493 500 467 427 440 433 400 213 250 200 238 225 113 100 188 138 125 175 163 150 25 13 50 38 88 75 63 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Display Slide 19 to have students complete the “start” data on their Scenario 2 graph on their worksheet. 143 150 135 113 105 120 128 38 45 30 23 15 98 53 90 60 83 75 68 8 Cellular Respiration

13 Scenario 2: Summer 1 In the summer, plants are growing and doing lots of photosynthesis! They also do some cellular respiration. Photosynthesis Record your data for the summer 1: 250 carbon atoms move into the organic pool. 150 carbon atoms move out of the organic pool. 700 767 707 733 773 800 760 493 500 467 427 400 440 433 238 213 250 225 125 113 100 200 138 150 175 188 163 38 13 25 50 63 88 75 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Use Slides to provide students with data for the first two years of the scenario. Have students use what they observed in the first two years of the graph to predict what will happen in the final three years. Have students record their predictions. Image credit: Hannah Miller, Michigan State University Graphics Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University 150 143 120 105 113 128 135 38 45 30 23 15 98 53 90 60 83 75 68 8 Cellular Respiration

14 Scenario 2: Winter 1 Record your data for the winter 1:
In the winter photosynthesis slows down, because many trees lose their leaves. Plants continue doing cellular respiration in winter. Photosynthesis 793 800 767 740 727 700 733 Record your data for the winter 1: 20 carbon atoms move into the organic pool. 120 carbon atoms move out of the organic pool. 433 400 407 500 460 473 467 19 18 20 17 11 10 13 12 14 15 16 4 3 2 1 5 6 9 8 7 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Use Slides to provide students with data for the first two years of the scenario. Have students use what they observed in the first two years of the graph to predict what will happen in the final three years. Have students record their predictions. Image credit: Hannah Miller, Michigan State University Graphics Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University 114 108 102 120 30 42 48 36 24 12 18 96 54 84 90 60 78 72 66 6 Cellular Respiration

15 Scenario 2: Summer 2 It’s summer again! Photosynthesis Record your data for the summer 2: 250 carbon atoms move into the organic pool. 150 carbon atoms move out of the organic pool. 700 767 707 733 773 800 760 493 500 467 427 400 440 433 238 213 250 225 125 113 100 200 138 150 175 188 163 38 13 25 50 63 88 75 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Use Slides to provide students with data for the first two years of the scenario. Have students use what they observed in the first two years of the graph to predict what will happen in the final three years. Have students record their predictions. Image credit: Hannah Miller, Michigan State University Graphics Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University 150 143 120 105 113 128 135 38 45 30 23 15 98 53 90 60 83 75 68 8 Cellular Respiration

16 Scenario 2: Winter 2 Record your data for the winter 2:
It’s winter again! Photosynthesis 793 800 767 740 727 700 733 Record your data for the winter 2: 20 carbon atoms move into the organic pool. 120 carbon atoms move out of the organic pool. 433 400 407 500 460 473 467 19 18 20 17 11 10 13 12 14 15 16 4 3 2 1 5 6 9 8 7 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Use Slides to provide students with data for the first two years of the scenario. Have students use what they observed in the first two years of the graph to predict what will happen in the final three years. Have students record their predictions. Image credit: Hannah Miller, Michigan State University Graphics Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University 114 108 102 120 30 42 48 36 24 12 18 96 54 84 90 60 78 72 66 6 Cellular Respiration

17 So carbon pools change size. Even throughout the seasons of one year!
End of Summer End of Winter Photosynthesis Photosynthesis 700 800 500 400 Inorganic Carbon Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Organic Carbon Image credit: Hannah Miller, Michigan State University Graphics and animations credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to have students discuss the patterns they see. Cellular Respiration Cellular Respiration

18 Make a prediction! On the last page of your worksheet, complete data for 3 more years of Scenario 4.
End of Summer End of Winter Photosynthesis Photosynthesis 700 800 500 400 Inorganic Carbon Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Organic Carbon Use Slides to have students discuss the patterns they see. Image credit: Hannah Miller, Michigan State University Graphics Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Cellular Respiration Cellular Respiration

19 Scenario 2: Compare your results!
You have data for years 1 and 2. Make a prediction about what will happen in years 3, 4, and 5 in your graph for Scenario 2. Draw lines connecting the triangles on your graph. Do the same for the squares, and then the circles. Summarize what is happening to the size of the pools in your own words to a partner. Compare your graph with your partner’s graph. Are they the same? Why or why not? Use Slides to have students discuss the patterns they see.

20 Scenario 3: Trees are planted
Some trees were planted in an abandoned cornfield! This means that trees are taking carbon atoms out of the air and adding the atoms to their bodies. Photosynthesis happens at a faster rate than respiration. Photosynthesis Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. inorganic carbon Cellular Respiration

21 Scenario 3: Trees are planted
Make a prediction: how will pools change size in 2 years? 300 per year Photosynthesis 800 400 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. Cellular Respiration 200 per year

22 Scenario 3: Start 300 per year Record data for the Start: 800 carbon atoms start in the inorganic pool. 400 carbon atoms start in the organic pool. Photosynthesis 800 400 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. Cellular Respiration 200 per year

23 Scenario 3: Year 1 Record your data for Year 1: 300 carbon atoms move into the organic pool 200 carbon atoms move out of the organic pool Photosynthesis 700 707 800 773 733 760 767 493 500 467 427 440 400 433 255 270 285 240 300 120 105 225 135 150 210 180 195 165 15 30 45 75 90 60 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. 190 200 180 110 120 100 130 140 160 150 170 50 30 20 10 90 40 80 70 60 Cellular Respiration

24 Round 3: Trees are planted: Year 2
Record your data for Year 2: 300 more carbon atoms move into the organic pool 200 more carbon atoms move out of the organic pool Photosynthesis 600 607 700 673 633 660 667 593 600 567 527 540 500 533 255 270 285 240 300 120 105 225 135 150 210 180 195 165 15 30 45 75 90 60 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. 190 200 180 110 120 100 130 140 160 150 170 50 30 20 10 90 40 80 70 60 Cellular Respiration

25 Scenario 3: Compare your results!
Draw lines connecting the triangles on your graph. Do the same for the squares, and then the circles. Summarize what is happening to the size of the pools in your own words to a partner. Compare your graph with your partner’s graph. Are they the same? Why or why not? Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet.

26 Scenario 4: Drought Drought! It hasn’t rained for months and trees are dry and dying. This means that photosynthesis happens less, but plants, animals and decomposers still do cellular respiration. Photosynthesis Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. inorganic carbon Cellular Respiration

27 Scenario 4: Drought Predict how pool sizes will change after a few years 100 per year Photosynthesis 800 400 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. Cellular Respiration 200 per year

28 Scenario 4: Start Record data for the Start: 800 carbon atoms start in the inorganic pool. 400 carbon atoms start in the organic pool. Photosynthesis 800 400 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. Cellular Respiration

29 Scenario 4: Year 1 Record data for Year 1: 100 carbon atoms move into the organic pool 200 carbon atoms move out of the organic pool Photosynthesis 800 893 827 900 867 840 833 300 333 307 367 400 373 360 100 35 40 45 30 25 10 65 20 50 15 75 70 55 80 85 60 95 90 5 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. 190 180 200 140 110 100 120 130 160 150 170 50 30 20 10 90 40 80 70 60 Cellular Respiration

30 Scenario 4: Year 2 Record data for Year 2: 300 more carbon atoms move into the organic pool. 200 more carbon atoms move out of the organic pool. Photosynthesis 1000 940 967 900 993 933 927 200 207 233 273 300 267 260 100 35 40 45 30 25 10 65 20 50 15 75 70 55 80 85 60 95 90 5 Inorganic Carbon Organic Carbon Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet. 190 180 200 140 110 100 120 130 160 150 170 50 30 20 10 90 40 80 70 60 Cellular Respiration

31 Scenario 4: Compare your results!
Draw lines connecting the triangles on your graph. Do the same for the squares, and then the circles. Summarize what is happening to the size of the pools in your own words to a partner. Compare your graph with your partner’s graph. Are they the same? Why or why not? Use Slides to complete the Scenarios 3 and 4. Each scenario has an accompanying graph on the worksheet.

32 Prepare to share with the class!
Scenario 2: winter and summer (tables 1 & 6) Scenario 3: trees are planted (tables 2, 4 & 7) Scenario 4: drought (tables 3, 5 & 8) Introduce students to the 4 scenarios of the Activity. A flux occurs over time. Here, we will consider carbon fluxes over the period of one year. Have students record the fluxes, or the number of carbon atoms that move between pools in one year. Use Slide 9 to introduce the Activity’s main task: making graphs that show carbon fluxes between the atmosphere (inorganic carbon) and producer (organic carbon) pools.

33 Carbon Fluxes Summarizing Questions
What patterns do you see in the total number of carbon atoms (the triangles)? Why does this happen? What pattern do you notice in the atoms in the organic and inorganic pools? Why does this happen? Look at all four graphs. What events cause carbon pools to change size?

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