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Chapter 23 - Review.

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1 Chapter 23 - Review

2 Pick One 1. Having larger armies and more weapons are examples of:
(socialism or militarism) militarism 2. If people with the same language and culture unite, this is an example of: (nationalism or militarism) nationalism

3 Pick One 3. Archduke Francis Ferdinand was from:
(Germany or Austria-Hungary) Austria-Hungary 4. When neither side can win a victory, this is an example of: (a stalemate or an unequal alliance) a stalemate

4 Pick One 5. The Allied Powers included:
(Germany or France) France 6. Fighting from the protection of deep ditches was called: (foxhole warfare or trench warfare) trench warfare

5 Pick One 7. The “final straw” that brought the U.S. into World War I was the: (Zimmerman Note or Lusitania sinking) Zimmerman Note 8. Liberty bonds were loans made by people to help: (Germany or the United States) the United States

6 Pick One 9. Unions helped workers:
(demand better wages or demand longer hours) demand better wages 10. The leader of the Bolsheviks was: (Vladimir Lenin or John Pershing) Vladimir Lenin

7 Pick One 11. The AEF helped stop the Germans at the:
(Marne River or Argonne Forest) Marne River 12. Millions of dead soldiers is considered to be a ______ of World War I. (cost or cause) cost

8 Pick One 13. President Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace to end World War I was called: (Fourteen Points or Treaty of Versailles) Fourteen Points 14. When a disease affects a very large number of people, it is called: (an outbreak or an epidemic) an epidemic

9 Pick One 15. After World War I, the U.S. returned to a policy of:
(militarism or isolationism) isolationism Study for the test!!!!

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