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Our Space Time Coordinates: Time, Distances, and Sizes

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1 Our Space Time Coordinates: Time, Distances, and Sizes

2 Universe Milky Way Galaxy Solar System (including the star Sun, the planet Earth, the moon Moon(!), etc) Planet Earth Seven Continents and Four Oceans North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antartica Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic Countries, States, Cities United States of America, Ohio, Dayton Russ Engineering Center, Wright State University, 3640, Col. Glenn Highway

3 Measuring Distances Average Distance between Sun and Earth = 93 million miles (1 Astronomical Unit) (Speed of light = 186000 miles per second) (1 light second = 186000 miles ) = 500 light second = 8.33 light minutes

4 Visualizing Distances If 1 inch is the distance between sun and earth, then 1 mile is equivalent to 1 light year. 1 parsec = 3.26 light years

5 Solar System scaled to Football field BodyDiameterSemi-major axis Sun0.85 in (21.5 mm)zero Mercury0.003 in (0.08 mm)1.0 yard (0.9 m) Venus0.007 in (0.19 mm)1.9 yard (1.7 m) Earth0.008 in (0.20 mm)2.5 yard (2.3 m) Mars0.004 in (0.10 mm)3.8 yard (3.5 m) Ceres0.001 in (0.02 mm)7.0 yard (6.4 m) Jupiter0.085 in (2.16 mm)13.1 yard (12.0 m) Saturn0.071 in (1.8 mm)24.2 yard (22.1 m) Uranus0.029 in (0.73 mm)48.6 yard (44.4 m) Neptune0.028 in (0.7 mm)76.1 yard (69.6 m) Pluto0.002 in (0.05 mm)100.0 yard (91.4 m) Eris0.002 in (0.05 mm)171.4 yard (156.7 m) α Centauri A0.94 in (23.9 mm)396 mile (637 km)

6 Distances to nearby objects Heavenly BodyAverage Distance from Earth Moon1.3 light seconds Sun8.3 light minutes Mars12 light minutes (0.5 – 2.5 AU) Jupiter42 light minutes Saturn1.2 light hours Pluto4 light hours Comets – outer reaches of solar system Light months

7 Distances to Stars StarsDistinctionDistance from Earth (light years) Proxima CentauriNearest Star4.2 light years SiriusBrightest Star (in night sky) 8.6 light years Pole starNorth star, Cepheid Variable 300 light years Rigel/BetelgeuseBlue/Red giant in Orion800/600 light years DenebBlue giant in Cygnus1500 light years Andromeda GalaxyNearest galaxy2 million light years *HST Image*Most distant galaxy13 billion light years

8 Age vs Distance

9 Universe Distances nceopticsu/powersof10/index.html nceopticsu/powersof10/index.html

10 Universe Timeline

11 Sizes of planets and stars Planets, Stars, Nebulae, Galaxies - Universe Size Comparison [HD High Definition] K1U&NR=1

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