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WinTR-55 Modeling Multiple Sub-area Watersheds

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Presentation on theme: "WinTR-55 Modeling Multiple Sub-area Watersheds"— Presentation transcript:

1 WinTR-55 Modeling Multiple Sub-area Watersheds
WinTR-55 Development Team

2 Sub-Area and Reach Concepts

3 Sub-area/Reach Concepts
D C B E Watershed - system of sub-areas and reaches Sub-areas - watersheds that generate runoff Reaches - represent watershed flow paths (stream channels) or structures Reach 1c Reach 2e 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

4 Sub-area/Reach Concepts
Watershed - system of sub-areas and reaches Sub-areas - generate runoff feed into the upstream end of reaches Reaches or Routing Elements- represent watershed stream flow paths or structures Channel Routing elements - Stream Reaches Structure Routing elements - Reservoir/Structure Reaches Watershed Outlet - downstream end of the watershed (required for all watersheds) 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

5 Reach 1a (storage routing)
Schematics Sub-area A Reach 1a (storage routing) Sub-area B Sub-area C Reach 2c (Reach Routing) Legend: Storage Area Sub-Area Inflow Points Outlet 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

6 Data Requirements Identification Data - User, State, and County
Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Storm Data – for specific County/State Sub-area Data - Name, flows to reach/outlet, area, runoff curve number, & time of concentration Reach Data -Name, receiving reach/outlet, reach length, Manning’s “n”, friction slope, bottom width, average side slopes 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

7 Adding Sub-areas

8 Adding Sub-areas 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

9 Adding Stream Reaches and Developing Stream Reach Data

10 Adding Stream Reaches WinTR-55 Main Window Reach Data Window
Reach Flow Path Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

11 Watershed Schematic 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial Upper Main County Road
Upper West Upper East Middle Main Lower West Lower East MainStem1 WestReach EastReach Lower Main MainStem2 Outlet 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

12 WinTR-55 Main Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

13 Adding Stream Reaches WinTR-55 Main Window Reach Data Window
Reach Flow Path Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

14 Stream Reach Data Data compiled prior to input: Reach Name
Name of receiving (or downstream) reach (could be Outlet) Cross-section data: Manning’s “n” Friction slope Bottom Width Average side slopes 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

15 Reach Data Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

16 Reach Data Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

17 Plotted Channel Rating
12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

18 Computing Stream Reach Ratings
Manning’s Equation for Channel Flow: Q = discharge (cu ft/s) r = hydraulic radius = A/pw A = cross-sectional flow area (sq ft) pw = wetted perimeter (ft) s = slope of hydraulic grade line (channel slope, ft/ft) n = Manning’s roughness coefficient for open channel flow 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

19 Trapezoidal Cross-Section
1 z BW TW D 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

20 Reach Data Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

21 Adding Stream Reaches WinTR-55 Main Window Reach Data Window
Reach Flow Path Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

22 Reach Flow Path Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

23 Capabilities & Limitations
Number of sub-areas Number of reaches Types of reaches Channel or Structure Channel Reach Routing Procedure Muskingum-Cunge 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

24 Sub-area and Reach Concepts
Modeling Watersheds with Structures Sub-area and Reach Concepts

25 Sub-area / Reach Concepts
Watershed - system of sub-areas and reaches Sub-areas - watersheds that generate runoff Reaches - represent watershed flow paths (stream channels) or structures Sub-area A N Stream Reach 2c Stream Reach 1b Outlet Structure Reach Pond Sub-area B Sub-area C 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

26 Sub-area/Reach Concepts
Watershed - system of sub-areas and reaches Sub-areas - generate runoff feed into the upstream end of reaches Reaches or Routing Elements- represent watershed stream flow paths or structures Channel Routing elements - Stream Reaches Structure Routing elements - Reservoir/Structure Reaches Watershed Outlet - downstream end of the watershed (required for all watersheds) 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

27 Reach 1a (storage routing)
Schematics Sub-area A Reach 1a (storage routing) Sub-area B Sub-area C Reach 2c (Reach Routing) Legend: Storage Area Sub-Area Inflow Points Outlet 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

28 Adding Structure Reaches and Developing Structure Data

29 Adding Structure Reaches
WinTR-55 Main Window Reach Data Window Structure Data Window Reach Flow Path Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

30 WinTR-55 Main Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

31 Adding Structure Reaches
WinTR-55 Main Window Reach Data Window Structure Data Window Reach Flow Path Window Next, proceed to the Reach Data Window where you will specify the name of the structure reach and the name of the structure itself. 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

32 Reach Data Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

33 Reach and Structure could be the same Name.
Naming Reaches Reach and Structure could be the same Name. 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

34 Adding Structure Reaches
WinTR-55 Main Window Reach Data Window Structure Data Window Reach Flow Path Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

35 Structure Data Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

36 Spillway Types Pipe Weir

37 Pipe Spillway To specify a pipe spillway, click the radio button  for Pipe under Spillway Type. The pipe spillway is the default, so when you open the Structure Data Window it will open to a pipe spillway configuration.  When specifying a pipe spillway, you may enter up to three different pipe diameters to test. The program will make as many runs through the data as pipe trial sizes are indicated. If you enter three pipe diameters the program will use the Trial #1 pipe diameter for the first run through, the Trial #2 pipe diameter for the second run, and the Trial #3 pipe diameter for the third run. This will be done for each storm event indicated, however the program will make no more than 3 runs for each storm even if multiple structures are included. In the event there are 2 or more structures in the watershed, all the Trial #1’s are run together, then all the Trial #2’s and then all the Trial #3’s.  You must also specify a Height from the pipe invert at the outlet end of the pipe to the spillway. You’ll see more clearly in the next illustrations how that is defined. One thing to keep in mind though is that this height must be at least ½ times the pipe diameter or greater. So, in the example of a 48” pipe diameter, a height from pipe invert at outlet to spillway crest elevation of no less than 2 feet could be specified. This is because of the way the program does the pipe flow computations we’ll look at in a moment. One thing to notice here is that the pipe diameter is specified in inches, while the height from the pipe invert at outlet to the principal spillway crest is in feet. In the case of SI units, the values are in units of millimeters and meters, respectively.  Once sufficient data is entered for the pipe diameter and height from the pipe invert at outlet to the spillway crest, WinTR-55 automatically computes a pipe flow rating for the structure. Pay attention to the note in red that says “Orifice Flow Assumed.” We’ll talk about that in just a moment. 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

38 Straight Pipe 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

39 Drop Inlet Pipe 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

40 Pipe Flow Equations where: g = gravity cd =0.6 Height, feet
Headpipe,feet Stage, feet Dpipe ,inches Apipe,square feet Flowpipe,cfs 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

41 Pipe Flow Assumptions Short-tube approximation – assumes orifice flow through the pipe at all stages Reasonable for drop inlet configuration May be unreasonable for large straight pipes If not appropriate, use other routing models SITES WinTR-20 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

42 Pipe Flow Assumptions 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

43 Spillway Types Pipe Weir

44 Weir Spillway 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

45 Weir Configuration 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

46 Weir Flow Equations Stage, feet Flowweir, cfs
where: Lweir = weir length, feet Stage, feet Flowweir, cfs 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

47 Weir Flow Assumptions Entry of a zero weir length indicates a 90° v-notch weir Other entry for weir length indicates a rectangular – having vertical sides - broad-crested weir 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

48 Plotting Structure Ratings
12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

49 Structure Reach Routing

50 Storage-Indication Routing Method
Estimates how the hydrograph changes as it flows through a structure DStorage = (inflow - outflow) * Dt 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

51 Structure Reach Routing
12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

52 Structure Routing Plot
12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

53 Adding Structure Reaches
WinTR-55 Main Window Reach Data Window Structure Data Window Reach Flow Path Window 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

54 Reach Flow Path 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

55 Capabilities & Limitations
Structure Routing Storage-Indication Structure Types Pipe or Weir Structure Trial Sizes 1-3 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

56 WinTR-55 Web Site Download latest WinTR-55 version Update notes
Update notes WinTR-55 User Manual WinTR-55 Support Team address ug-orportlan-4-TR55 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

57 Development Team Claudia Hoeft NRCS, Washington DC
Laurel Foreman NRCS, Iowa William Merkel NRCS-WNTSC, Maryland Helen Fox Moody NRCS-WNTSC, Maryland Quan D. Quan NRCS-WNTSC, Maryland Ralph Roberts ARS, Maryland John McClung NRCS-NWMC, Arkansas Al McNeill NRCS, South Carolina Jolyne Lee NRCS-NWCC, Oregon Don Woodward NRCS-retired Jon Werner NRCS-retired Roger Cronshey NRCS-retired 12/6/2018 TR-55 Tutorial

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