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Monday, September 12th Hello, students! Today we will examine a few key aspects from September in TWW. Your HW tonight will be to complete the September.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, September 12th Hello, students! Today we will examine a few key aspects from September in TWW. Your HW tonight will be to complete the September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, September 12th Hello, students! Today we will examine a few key aspects from September in TWW. Your HW tonight will be to complete the September portion of your TWW calendar. This homework will be checked at the beginning of class tomorrow fat thy

2 From pages 2 & 3.... The north side of Holling's town has a large Jewish population, while the south side has a large Catholic population. Holling states that it's hard living in between...what can be hard about this?

3 From page 4 "I guess that Wednesday afternoons will be busy after all." What might Mrs. Baker have been planning on doing during her Wednesday afternoons? What do you think teachers do with their free time?

4 Sometimes it's hard living in between.
What are some of the difficulties of growing up, especially in today's world?

5 From page 16 "You took out Doug Swieteck's brother?" What are the dangers of rumors? What can happen when your perception of someone or something doesn't match reality?

6 From page 17 " used about a third of Mai Thi's English vocabulary, since she'd only gotten here from Vietnam during the summer." What will be Mai Thi's biggest difficulties during this school year?

7 Mr. Guareschi doesn't seem like a very good principal/leader of the school.
What do you think it takes to be a good leader?

8 At the end of the chapter, we learn that Mrs
At the end of the chapter, we learn that Mrs. Baker's husband is being deployed to Vietnam. How does this change your view of her character? Might this explain some of her behavior?

9 Closure: Make a list of three characteristics you would use to describe Holling so far. Tonight's Homework: Complete the September portion of your TWW calendar

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