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Leonardo Da Vinci by Jarrett Peterson.

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Presentation on theme: "Leonardo Da Vinci by Jarrett Peterson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leonardo Da Vinci by Jarrett Peterson

2 When were the inventions made?
Some time between because he died on the year 1519.

3 Where’s the inventor from?
Leonardo is from Vinci, Italy

4 What inventions did he make?
Leonardo invented the Scientific method, methods for painting, and war machines.

5 How did these inventions impact our word and you personally?
It helped scientist and me to observe subjects in science.

6 Why did the inventor decide to explore this area of interest
Because he just loved to think ,develop and observe.

7 bibliography Stanley , Diane. Leonardo Da Vinci. New York : Morrow Juniors books, 1996.

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