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Today we celebrate Fathers’ Day as we think of our fathers …

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Presentation on theme: "Today we celebrate Fathers’ Day as we think of our fathers …"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we celebrate Fathers’ Day as we think of our fathers …

2 Today we celebrate Fathers’ Day as we think of our fathers …
…and those who have been fathers to us.

3 We honour our fathers for putting our needs
before their own comfort and convenience,

4 … for teaching us to show courage and determination in difficult times,

5 … for modelling the qualities responsible, caring adults.
to help us become responsible, caring adults.

6 Bless our earthly fathers
for the many times they reflected

7 Bless our earthly fathers
for the many times they reflected the love, strength, generosity, wisdom and mercy

8 Bless our earthly fathers
for the many times they reflected the love, strength, generosity, wisdom and mercy of our Heavenly Father.

9 Bless step-fathers who take on fatherhood

10 and who care for their step-children, with love and respect.

11 Not all fathers have lived up to
expectations and have been absent from their children’s lives.

12 Give us the grace to forgive them

13 Give us the grace to forgive them and move forward with peace in our hearts.

14 For those men who have no

15 For those men who have no
children but who cherish the next generation as if they were their own …

16 For those men who have no
children but who cherish the next generation as if they were their own … … may they be blessed.

17 For fathers who have died,

18 may they live on in our memories
For fathers who have died, may they live on in our memories

19 may they live on in our memories and may their love continue
For fathers who have died, may they live on in our memories and may their love continue to nurture us.

20 We remember all those who have
filled in for fathers who have passed early or are absent –

21 We remember all those who have
filled in for fathers who have passed early or are absent – grandfathers and uncles,

22 We remember all those who have
filled in for fathers who have passed early or are absent – grandfathers and uncles, brothers and cousins,

23 We remember all those who have
filled in for fathers who have passed early or are absent – grandfathers and uncles, brothers and cousins, teachers and coaches.

24 Give new and future fathers
the guidance they need

25 Give new and future fathers
the guidance they need to raise happy and holy children,

26 Give new and future fathers
the guidance they need to raise happy and holy children, grounded in a love for God and others.

27 Thank you Heavenly Father for our earthly fathers.

28 Thank you Heavenly Father for our earthly fathers.
Help them to be good fathers.

29 Happy Fathers’ Day to all fathers.

30 Happy Fathers’ Day to all fathers.
God Bless You.

31 Happy Fathers’ Day to all fathers.
God Bless You.

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