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Are there different kinds of mixtures? What are they?

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Presentation on theme: "Are there different kinds of mixtures? What are they?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are there different kinds of mixtures? What are they?
Tuesday, 9/23/ Day 2 Science Starters Sheet Science notebook Agenda 1. Please have these Items on your desk. 2 Work sheets Fill out your Agenda. Science Starter: Are there different kinds of mixtures? What are they?

2 Soup Salt and pepper salt water Alloys Air Rice Pizza Sulfur and iron

3 Table of Contents Date Assignment Page 10/23(blue) Mixtures Lab pg 41
10/23(blue) Mixtures Station Work pg 42

4 To do list . . . . Read through the mixtures lab BEFORE you start.
Complete the chart in the lab and put it on page 41 of your notebook. Station work. Work on mixtures worksheet.

5 Link to the defined stem project of hand held devices. . . .

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