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The Western Regional Air Partnership logo

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Presentation on theme: "The Western Regional Air Partnership logo"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Western Regional Air Partnership logo

2 Delicate Arch in Arches National Park. Photo by Jeff Lemke of CIRA.

3 Grand Canyon on a hazy day

4 Grand Canyon on a moderately hazy day.

5 Grand Canyon on a clear day

6 Grand Canyon

7 Weminuche Wilderness (pronounced Wem i new ch). Photo by John Fielder.

8 Glacier National Park on a clear day.

9 Glacier National Park on a moderately hazy day.

10 Glacier National Park on a very hazy day.

11 Yellowstone Lake – National Park Service credit line

12 Windmills in Wyoming

13 Windmills in Wyoming


15 Mobile source

16 Tailpipe emissions

17 WRAP meetings

18 Prescribed burn

19 Small-scale slash burning

20 Dust

21 Construction dust



24 WRAP members – Federal, state and tribal partners





29 Our thanks to photographers:
John Fielder for the Weminuche Wilderness sunset picture Jeff Lemke of CIRA for the Delicate Arch and various other photos Brad Bissey, WRAP’s webmaster, for windmill photos

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