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Aim: Should supreme court justices serve for life?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Should supreme court justices serve for life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Should supreme court justices serve for life?

2 Dear Sweetie, We went to visit your aunt in NJ tonight and won’t be home until tomorrow night. You may invite a few friends over for a quiet evening. I left you the credit card for an emergency. Love, Mom

3 I. Article III—Judicial Branch
A. Function-interpret laws B. Constitution mentions one national court—Supreme Court. C. Gave Congress power to set up a court system.

4 II. Importance of SC Decisions become official policies of the US Ex) Miranda v. Arizona (1966) ruled that suspects of crimes must be advised of their rights when arrested B. Last resort for all appeals.

5 III. Make up of Supreme Court A. 9 Supreme Court Justices
B. Serve a life term. C. Selected by President, approved by Senate John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States, Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice, Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice, Anthony M. Kennedy, Associate Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice, Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice, Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr., Associate Justice, Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice, Elena Kagan, Associate Justice,

6 Why do the justices serve for life????????
The purpose of having supreme court judges rule for life-terms is so that the judiciaries can be left to do their business with no threat of losing their jobs. If they could be easily thrown out of government, they would could have their decisions swayed a certain way, and no longer be impartial and independent.


8 Fun Facts! Supreme Court Firsts!
Roger B. Taney (Tawney) 1st Catholic (Jackson) Louis Brandeis—1st Jewish (Wilson) Thurgood Marshall—1st Afr Am. (Johnson) Antonin Scalia—1st Italian Am (Reagan) Sandra Day O’Connor—1st woman (Reagan)

9 IV. Interpretations A. Strict Interpretation/Constructionist—limits Judicial interpretation (applies text only as written) Ex) Jefferson B. Loose Interpretation/Constructionist—more open the constitution up for debate—intention behind it. Ex) Hamilton (national bank)

10 Ex) Piracy—Does that mean we could steal music from the internet
Ex) Piracy—Does that mean we could steal music from the internet? Was this only meant for actual Pirates? Who would agree with this?

11 Let’s read about a power the justices have but…
Is NOT FOUND in the constitution!!!!

12 V. Marbury v. Madison (1803) A. Judicial Review—courts have the ability to interpret the law and decide whether it is constitutional or unconstitutional Where in the constitution does it say this??????? It DOESN’T

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