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Guide to Mentoring.

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1 Guide to Mentoring

2 Workshop Outcomes By the end of the workshop, delegates will be able to: identify important learning opportunities for coaches outline the potential roles of the mentor in the development of coaches explain how a mentor can help to maximise these learning opportunities manage the self-reflection, coach profiling and development planning processes identify the core skills of mentoring develop a personal mentor profile and development plan

3 Stages of ‘Coach’ Learning
Stage of Learning Mentor Role Mentor Skills Modelling Providing a model Being observed Co-coaching Demonstrating Explaining/teaching Competency Coach Observing Giving feedback Facilitating reflection Reflection Facilitator Challenger Objective support Questioner Managing learning Autonomy Partner/co-enquirer Communicator

4 Mentoring in Different Contexts
Informal mentoring Formal mentoring Designated expert/ novice relationship Ad-hoc encounter Formal Programmes Friendship Qualification

5 Mentoring Triangle

6 How People Learn: Information Processing
Input Process information Output By watching (visual) By listening (Auditory) By reading (Reading/Writing) By doing (Kinaesthetic)

7 The Self-reflection Cycle

8 Mentor’s Role in Reflection
Key Stage Mentor Role Coaching activity – description of experience/problem Objective observer/listener Evaluation Objective listener; probing Analysis Challenging Conclusion Clarifying source of knowledge and/or objective feedback Development planning Adviser; confidence builder

9 Core Mentoring Skills Active listening Active questioning
Developmental feedback Observation

10 Structure of a Mentoring Situation
Pre-session meeting Activity/meeting Post-session reflection

11 Important Aims Pre-session meeting A shared understanding
Clarifying expectations Establishing priorities Agreeing goals Session (coaching session or other activity) Normality Interaction depends on: event; stage of learning of the coach; level of acquaintance Reflection Quality of communication Coach leads Beware of advising and fixing

12 Coach Profiling Outlines the coach’s self-image
Helps to develop empathy between mentor and coach Helps the mentor to be relevant to the coach’s expressed needs Is the basis for a development plan for the coach

13 Influences on Coach Profiling
Coaching Philosophy Coaching Philosophy Context (Environment and purpose of activity)

14 Profiling Instructions
The coach outlines the qualities of a good coach in their opinion The meaning of each quality is clarified by the coach The coach selects the most important qualities These are plotted on the profile The coach rates him/herself in each quality on a scale of 1–10 The score is plotted on the profile

15 SMARTER Goals Specific They must be directly relevant to the needs of the coach Measurable Quantifiable goals can be measured and assessed Acceptable Coaches must believe they can achieve their goals Realistic Goals should be challenging, but within the coach’s capability. Time-phased Each goal should have a specific timescale in which to be achieved. Exciting Coaches should be pleased and excited about achieving their goals Recorded Goals should be recorded for mentor and coach reference.

16 Key Steps to Developing a Personal Development Plan

17 Mentoring Can: serve as a motivational experience for coaches
improve your own coaching by analysis of another’s methods and ideas improve your coaching by enhancing coaching-related skills such as communication skills, analysis and observation give job satisfaction and a sense of great achievement build greater awareness of the needs of other coaches challenge preconceptions and beliefs assist coaches with self-reflection

18 Workshop Outcomes By the end of the workshop, delegates will be able to: identify important learning opportunities for coaches outline the potential roles of the mentor in the development of coaches explain how a mentor can help to maximise these learning opportunities manage the self-reflection, coach profiling and development planning processes identify the core skills of mentoring develop a personal mentor profile and development plan

19 Have a safe journey home
Thank you Have a safe journey home

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