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Can I talk about how I maintain positive relationships?

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1 Can I talk about how I maintain positive relationships?
Year 6 – Friends and family Can I talk about how I maintain positive relationships? Teacher notes: Through this lesson you will take the children on a journey that allows them to identify the attributes that they possess that help them to form good, healthy, positive relationships with everyone around them. There are a number of activities for them to participate in that should help them to reflect on their own characteristics and how they play a part in the relationships that they develop every day. © Leeds South and East CCG

2 Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills
I can recognise what constitutes a positive healthy relationship I can develop the skills needed to form and maintain these relationships I can identify a range of qualities that I admire in myself, and famous people, and say why I like them I can explain why I like other people and offer them praise Teacher notes Read these through with the children, ensure they are understood. It is important for the children to understand how we all have relationships with other people and how we need to have certain qualities, characteristics, attributes in order to maintain these relationships. The children need to understand that good relationships are so important to keep us happy and healthy. They need to understand that they already have many skills and that these can be developed further, in order to help maintain these relationships. 2

3 How we will work together
Can you remember the ground rules we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them. Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the ground rules will be displayed in the classroom already. 3

4 What do we already know? List all the things about yourself that you think help you make positive relationships with others. Me Teacher notes: Ask the children to consider what is being asked on the slide. Get them to draw a stick person representing themselves on their piece of paper or in an appropriate class exercise book and to write ‘ME’ underneath it. Then around the person they need to list all the qualities/attributes that they feel make them able to have positive relationships with others. They may need to be given a couple of examples to get them going but apart from this, do not give them any help as this is a baseline assessment of what they already know. 4

5 Let’s get started Watch the video clip
Teacher notes Remind the children about the Ant and Dec clip they saw in year 4. Remind them how a positive healthy relationship looks, play the clip to them again, click on the picture of Ant and Dec to open the link. Ask them to think of the attributes/qualities that Ant and Dec have that enable them to maintain the healthy, positive relationship that they so clearly have. Watch the video clip 5

6 Let’s get started What are the attributes/qualities that allow Ant and Dec to maintain a positive, healthy relationship? Can you identify any of these in yourself? Teacher notes Once the children have watched the clip, ask them to think of the attributes/qualities that Ant and Dec have that enable them to maintain the healthy, positive relationship that they so clearly have. Make a list of these qualities on the board, this may just be words or sentences, however the children feel able to contribute. Use this as something that the children can reference later on. At the end of making this list click, and show, the attributes on the next slide… 6

7 Let’s get started Skill Practice Can I identify a range of qualities that I admire in myself and famous people and say why I like them? Adventurous Good listener Kind Cooperative Trustworthy Independent Polite Communication skills Supportive Loyal Hard working Understanding Clever Forgiving Approachable Calm Fun Creative Careful Honest Happy Truthful Show the attributes on this slide, see if the children have missed any, can add more? Can they identify some of these qualities in themselves? Can they say why they like them? 7

8 Which relationships are important to me?
Think about important people in your life, people that you feel you have a special relationship with. What do they contribute to the relationship? What do you contribute to the relationship? Teacher notes Ask the children to think about people that they feel they have special relationships with, these can be friends or family or others. Ask them to write down some of the people’s names on a piece of paper, or in the appropriate class exercise book. Give them a couple minutes to think about these people and their relationship with them. Ask them to think of all the qualities/attributes/characteristics/skills that they have that have contributed to these relationships. It may help them to think first of the qualities etc. that these special people bring to these relationships first. After a small amount of time has passed, ask the children to concentrate on one of these people. Ask them to think about the qualities/ attributes/ skills/characteristics that they have that help them to maintain this special relationship. Jot these down on the paper and then ask the children to share these facts with their partners. The aim here is to open up a discussion between the children, to enable them to talk freely about their relationships and their contribution to them. Maybe extend the partners to groups of 4 if it helps them to talk and ask questions. By sharing their thoughts with their peers, they will hopefully be able to identify more qualities/ attributes that they share in their own relationships. 8

9 How do I maintain good relationships?
Your friend is very excited as they have been selected to represent your school in athletics. How do you respond and support them? Your Mum is really unhappy as you aren’t doing any of the jobs around the house that you are meant to do. She is furious, at first you argue and then try to solve the argument. Your brother or sister came home from school upset, you don’t know why, what do you do? Sometimes these relationships don’t go as well as we would like. Sometimes we have to work hard at maintaining them. Teacher notes: Tell the children that we have to work at relationships. We have to support people when they need help, when we fall out with them or when they want praise. What can we do to help get our relationships back on track? What can we do to maintain them? Ask them to pick one of the situations on the slide and, with a partner, act out the situation. If they want to they can act out their own situation. As they act they need to both consider what qualities’ attributes are being used to help in the situation. Are they showing good listening skills, encouragement, patient, support, understanding, ideas, advice etc? Tell them that you will choose a few pairs to act out their situation to the class, allowing the class to guess what qualities/ attributes are being used to maintain the relationship. As they practise their act, encourage them to maybe list the qualities/ attributes that it demonstrates. By doing this they will be able to compare their ideas with the classes. 9

10 What can we learn from others?
Skills Practice I can explain why I like other people and offer them praise? Let’s look at some of the situations that other people have acted out. Teacher notes: Choose a few children to act out their situation. Ask the class to say what qualities/ attributes are being used in the situation to help maintain positive relationships. Ask the children to look at the qualities in some of the situations that have been acted out, which character did they like? What qualities did they admire in either the character or their friend (the actor)? Can they offer praise to the characters for these qualities? Can they identify similar characters in their own lives and recognise their positive qualities/attributes? Ask them if they praise these people for their qualities, if they don't- could they? 10

11 What qualities/attributes am I proud of?
Write down one of the attributes/ qualities that that you have that you are really proud of. Thinking of all these qualities/ attributes can you think about some famous people who also share some of these qualities. Teacher notes: Give the children a speech bubble and ask them to identify one of the attributes/ qualities that they admire in themselves. This can then be used to make a class display, add to some pictures of children to help the class celebrate all the qualities that the class share. Encourage some talk about famous people, role models, that the children know who also demonstrate great qualities and attributes. 11

12 What do we already know? List all the things about yourself that you think help you make positive relationships with others. Me Teacher notes: Ask the children if they can add to the little stick man that they did at the beginning of the lesson. Maybe do this in a different colour so that it is clear what they have added. 12

13 How can we take this learning outside the classroom?
Thinking about all the attributes/qualities that we have talked about today pick one that you would like to think about more. Either Find a famous person who you think demonstrates this quality or Practice using this quality as you interact with the people you have relationships with Or do both! Teacher notes: Ask the children to go away do one of the activities suggested above. 13

14 Additional resources and help
Talk to your teacher or an adult in school Talk to your Mum, Dad or someone you trust at home about how you are feeling If you have them: – Write your worry down and post it in the class worry box – Talk to a peer mediator in your school – Write your worry down on the worry wall on the school’s website Contact: im-a-young-person Where can I go for help? 12

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