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Health Partnership Project

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1 Health Partnership Project

2 Health Partnership Project
Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England Voluntary and not-for-profit partners across a wide range of specialisms Annual funding to March 2014, which may be renewed

3 21 Partner Organisations and Groups

4 Aims of the Partnership
For the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England: Improve capacity of voluntary & third sector organisations to engage effectively in the health and care system Productive and transparent relationships between DoH/NHS England/PHE and voluntary sector at national level influencing policy making

5 Aims of the Partnership
For the National Housing Federation: Practical support to members on the ground to help housing associations engage with local health structures and influence outcomes More and better information about how to engage with health organisations and share the learning across the country Support lobbying work to influence national legislation, policy and practice, making the case for links between health and housing

6 The Health Partnership Team
Health Partnership Project group includes three dedicated staff Health Partnership Manager Amy Swan 2 x Health Partnership Co-ordinators (home-based) The team will focus on up to 9 project sites where there is already interest and willingness from members and partners.

7 What will we be doing? Organising formal and informal events and writing briefings to support engagement with health in the project sites Liaising with Care & Support groups to gather information about members’ experience and to disseminate information about the project Producing information for members about what works and how to engage locally Updating our website and LinkedIn group regularly

8 What can you do? Express interest in being involved in one of the innovation sites Share your current experiences and advice Sign up to our LinkedIn group on health and housing to get regular updates about the project Look out for guidance and advice on our website and through the external relations managers Tell us how the project could be most useful to you

9 Contact: Amy Swan, Health Partnership Manager

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