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Ecological Footprint Presentation

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1 Ecological Footprint Presentation
Team # 1 Karina Degtyareva Chantelle Zerba December 14th, 2015 1

2 Table of Contents All About Us Our Environmental Impact
Footprint Calculations Our Average Electricity Comparison Our Average Water Use Comparison Our Average Carbon Footprint Comparison World Emissions Proposals for Global Change Proposals for Personal Change Summary Conclusions

3 All About Us: Karina: Chantelle:
I am a young adult with a full time administrative assistant job. I go to NVC part time and am preparing to transfer to a four year university. I don’t have kids, but have three fur babies in my household who take up a good amount of my free time. I enjoy outdoor activities, which usually involve quite a bit of driving. Overall, I try to be environmentally friendly by recycling and using sustainable products, which can get quite expensive. Chantelle: I work part time as a yard worker and also work part time with my dad in construction. I go to NVC full time. I like to hang out with my friends which means I have to drive across town. My family recycles anything we can and we try to buy local goods whenever possible. I walk with my dog downtown a lot and if we need something from the store I skateboard. Activities that use energy are video gaming and watching TV with my family.

4 2. Our Environmental Impact:
Housing: Karina: lives in a “granny flat” separate from the main house with one other person. Average electricity use for my household is 260 kwH/month. Natural gas ~ 12 therms/month. Water ~ 7K/month Chantelle: lives in a single family home with four other people. Average electricity use is 676 kwH/month. Natural Gas use per month is 28 therms. Transportation: Karina: owns a car and carpools during frequent trips to the coast, Tahoe, etc. Occasionally takes Bart when visiting the Bay Area. Annual mileage ~ 8K Chantelle: owns a car used to drive around town, but mostly walks to nearby places. Annual mileage ~ 4K

5 3. Footprint Calculations:
Karina: Chantelle: Our average carbon footprint is 9.2

6 4. Our Average Electricity Use Comparison
Our average electricity per capita use is 132 kWh per month. *data for City of Napa provided by Community Pulse and based on July 2008 findings **data for CA & USA is provided by California Energy Commision and based on 2010 average monthly data ***data for the World average provided by The World Bank organiztion and is absed on 2012 average monthly data

7 5. Our Average Water Use Comparison
Our average water per capita use is 3,000 gallons per month. *data for City of Napa provided by Community Pulse and based on July 2008 findings **data for CA is provided by Conservation News and based on 2005 average daily data ***data for US is provided by Pacific Institute

8 6. Our Average Carbon Footprint Comparison
Our Average Footprint: 9.2 Metric Tons CO₂ per capita Average U.S.Footprint: Metric Tons CO₂per capita Average World Wide Footprint: 4 Metric Tons CO₂ per capita Average Industrial Footprint: 11 Metric Tons CO₂ per capita World Wide Target: 2 Metric Tons CO₂ per capita (sustainable)

9 7. World Emissions This graph clearly illustrates how dramatically the emergence of technology influenced global carbon emissions within the last few centuries.

10 8. Proposals for Global Change
EDUCATE: Require Environmental Science class in High Schools Provide and advocate for public transportation in smaller cities, like Napa Promote & construct green buildings - tax incentives for sustainable designs Implement natural waste systems; ex: wetlands as sewage treatment Protect existing ecologically productive areas such as surrounding wildlands and local farms.

11 9. Proposal for Personal Change
Eat less meat Cut down on processed foods Switch light bulbs in your home to energy efficient ones Wash clothes in cold water and only in full loads & hang to dry Subscribe to online publications instead of print Shop at consignment stores Get rid of your lawn and plant a vegetable or fruit garden or native plants which don’t require too much upkeep Buy locally & sustainably produced foods Register to vote and vote for candidates supporting green energy: Lauren Singer - Zero Waste Girl YouTube Channel & Blog: Trash is for Tossers

12 10. Summary Conclusions Humanity has been in ecological overshoot for the last several decades. Unfortunately the impact this overshoot has on our planet is underestimated by many world leaders, who don’t recognize or prioritize environmental issues. To continue onto a more sustainable path we need to decrease our carbon footprint to 2 metric tons of CO₂ per capita. This can be achieved through a variety of methods we mentioned earlier, however first and foremost we take responsibility for our actions and try to leave this planned a better place for future generations.

13 Websites and Research Cited
Walser, Maggie L. "Carbon Footprint." The Encyclopedia of Earth. N.p., 14 July Web. 13 Dec

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