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NWCCU update February 13, 2018.

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1 NWCCU update February 13, 2018

2 NWCCU 2016 Recommendation WOU Action taken and reported to NWCCU 1. Clarify Mission Strategic Planning Committee clarified mission 2. Define Mission Fulfillment WOU identified Objectives How their achievement results in mission fulfillment 3. Objectives & Indicators for Core Themes Core Themes (Student Success & Academic Excellence) Objectives, indicators & targets 4. Learning Outcomes Academic programs Identified course goals and program outcomes Aligned goals/outcomes with institutional learning outcomes Engage in assessment of program learning outcomes (quality assurance) Will engage in Academic Program Review (quality)

3 NWCCU 2016 Recommendation WOU Action taken and reported to NWCCU 5. Planning for Academic Technology University technology committee is in the process of being formed 6. Planning & Budget Units charged with developing action plans aligned with WOU SP University Budget committee established & reviewing budget requests 7. Assessment & Continuous Improvement Units charged with developing assessment plans; Academic programs continue assessment activities; University Council established to review priorities and progress, and track mission fulfillment

4 2016 Seven Year Report and Evaluation resulted in a Notice of Concern—the Notice of Concern has been removed Recommendation 1 – clarify mission -- is fulfilled. Recommendation 2 and 3 – define mission fulfillment, core themes, objectives and indicators – are in substantial compliance and fulfilled Recommendation 4, 6 & 7 – learning outcomes, planning & budget, assessment & continuous improvement – are in substantial compliance and in need of improvement

5 What’s to improve? We have appropriate systems in place. Now we need to consistently follow through on assessment, program review, aligned planning and budgeting, and continuous improvement in academic programs and across the university. We will submit a Mid-Cycle report in March 2019 that will Include Mission & Core Themes Demonstrate that our systems are being used and work Respond to Recommendation 5 (Academic Technology planning) We will submit a Year Seven report in 2023

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