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Autobiographical - Absent - Ego Transcending - Ego Affirming

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Presentation on theme: "Autobiographical - Absent - Ego Transcending - Ego Affirming"— Presentation transcript:

1 Autobiographical - Absent - Ego Transcending - Ego Affirming
Four Different Methods to Identify your Transcendental Purpose Autobiographical - Absent - Ego Transcending - Ego Affirming

2 Integral Love Relationship Vision

3 Biological Purpose Transcendental Purpose
Two Purposes Biological Purpose Transcendental Purpose

4 Biological Purpose

5 Transcendental Purpose
Collective term for: Spirits Purpose Unique Purpose Higher/God’s Purpose Real/True Purpose Soul’s Purpose Evolutionary Purpose Authentic Purpose Universes Purpose

6 Transcendental Purpose Always Creates More:
Goodness Truth Beauty Functionality in service of the Biological Purpose and the well-being of others! Properties of (human) being

7 Transcendental Purpose
Is the Eudaimonic form of quality-of-life seeking based on our true virtuous nature (daimon), doing what is worth doing, and realizing our full human potential, vs. the Hedonistic form of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.

8 Sexual Selection for Intelligence, Creativity, Kindness/Empathy (towards partner), and Practical Skills

9 Genetic Predisposition
Intelligence Creativity Empathy Practical Skills

10 Potentials (Seed/Soul) Practice (Myelination)
Brain and Physical Development (Seed/Soul)

11 Practice = Skill Development
Makes firing between brain cells three thousand times faster.



14 Science Technical Skills

15 23 43


17 Four Transcendental Purpose Discovery Methods:
Autobiographical Absent Ego Transcending Ego Affirming

18 Immunity to Change Goal Doing/Not Doing Instead
Hidden Competing Commitments Big Assumptions Live my Transcendental Purpose

19 Immunity to Change Goal Doing/Not Doing Instead
Hidden Competing Commitments Big Assumptions Live my Transcendental Purpose Work with a Purpose Guide. Get a new degree. Save money for starting my own business. Find a life partner who shares my purpose.

20 Immunity to Change Goal Doing/Not Doing Instead
Hidden Competing Commitments Big Assumptions Live my Transcendental Purpose Hedonistic Pursuits Work with a Purpose Guide. Get a new degree. Save money for starting my own business. Find a life partner who shares my purpose.

21 Immunity to Change Goal Doing/Not Doing Instead
Hidden Competing Commitments Big Assumptions Live my Transcendental Purpose Hedonistic Pursuits Work with a Purpose Guide. Get a new degree. Save money for starting my own business. Find a life partner who shares my purpose. Going out to have fun with friends. Staying in a dysfunctional relationship. Working in an unfulfilling but safe job.

22 Immunity to Change Goal Doing/Not Doing Instead
Hidden Competing Commitments Big Assumptions Live my Transcendental Purpose Hedonistic Pursuits I’m committed to being loyal, having fun and staying safe. I’m afraid to be alone and broke. Work with a Purpose Guide. Get a new degree. Save money for starting my own business. Find a life partner who shares my purpose. Going out to have fun with friends. Staying in a dysfunctional relationship. Working in an unfulfilling but safe job.

23 Immunity to Change Goal Doing/Not Doing Instead
Hidden Competing Commitments Big Assumptions Live my Transcendental Purpose Hedonistic Pursuits I’m committed to being loyal, having fun and staying safe. I’m afraid to be alone and broke. Work with a Purpose Guide. Get a new degree. Save money for starting my own business. Find a life partner who shares my purpose. Going out to have fun with friends. Staying in a dysfunctional relationship. Working in an unfulfilling but safe job. My friends depend on me and I need to balance work with play and leisure time. I made a commitment to my partner. I promised my colleagues I would not quit, and I committed to pay back my student loans.

24 Immunity to Change Goal Doing/Not Doing Instead
Hidden Competing Commitments Big Assumptions Live my Transcendental Purpose Hedonistic Pursuits I’m committed to being loyal, having fun and staying safe. I’m afraid to be alone and broke. Seeking pleasure, avoiding risks, and being loyal is the path to happiness. Work with a Purpose Guide. Get a new degree. Save money for starting my own business. Find a life partner who shares my purpose. Going out to have fun with friends. Staying in a dysfunctional relationship. Working in an unfulfilling but safe job. My friends depend on me and I need to balance work with play and leisure time. I made a commitment to my partner. I promised my colleagues I would not quit, and I committed to pay back my student loans.

25 Immunity to Change Goal Doing/Not Doing Instead
Hidden Competing Commitments Big Assumptions Live my Transcendental Purpose Hedonistic Pursuits I’m committed to being loyal, having fun and staying safe. I’m afraid to be alone and broke. Seeking pleasure, avoiding risks, and being loyal is the path to happiness. Work with a Purpose Guide. Get a new degree. Save money for starting my own business. Find a life partner who shares my purpose. Going out to have fun with friends. Staying in a dysfunctional relationship. Working in an unfulfilling but safe job. My friends depend on me and I need to balance work with play and leisure time. I made a commitment to my partner. I promised my colleagues I would not quit, and I committed to pay back my student loans. If I neglect my old friends they will no longer like and support me, and I will not have fun. If I would lose my partner I could not bear the pain and won’t find someone else. If I quit at work, nobody else can do my job and I will go broke.

26 Immunity to Change Take your emotions into account.
Goal Doing/Not Doing Instead Hidden Competing Commitments Big Assumptions Live my Transcendental Purpose Hedonistic Pursuits I’m committed to being loyal, having fun and staying safe. I’m afraid to be alone and broke. Seeking pleasure, avoiding risks, and being loyal is the path to happiness. Work with a Purpose Guide. Get a new degree. Save money for starting my own business. Find a life partner who shares my purpose. Going out to have fun with friends. Staying in a dysfunctional relationship. Working in an unfulfilling but safe job. My friends depend on me and I need to balance work with play and leisure time. I made a commitment to my partner. I promised my colleagues I would not quit, and I committed to pay back my student loans. If I neglect my old friends they will no longer like and support me, and I will not have fun. If I would lose my partner I could not bear the pain and won’t find someone else. If I quit at work, nobody else can do my job and I will go broke. Take your emotions into account. Test the BIG Assumptions that present the most significant obstacles in your life. Think of low-risk scenarios to take the first steps towards your goals. Use the Voice Dialog Process as an additional tool.

27 Voice Dialog The Protector, Controller, Risk Manager, Critic, Judge, Skeptic, Doubter, Cynic, Victim, Image Consultant, etc. speak from past pain and fear of the future. You speak from the present moment. You: I would like to talk to my inner [name voice, e.g. “protector”]. Voice: What do you want? You: What is your role? Voice: I protect you from … You: I would like to find my purpose. What are your concerns, fears, objections? Voice: My concern is that you will … You: Why do you think that? Voice: Because … You: I hear your concern. What about if I … Hal and Citry Stone, Dennis Genpo Merzel Big Mind, Tim Kelley True Purpose

28 1.Autobiographical Aka indirect access methods: Work well for people who have had a multitude of life experiences with their natural ups and downs to draw from, and who already developed skills that are aligned with their natural talents.


30 1.Autobiographical What activities and experiences made you feel happy, joyful, fulfilled, successful and in the flow of life over an extended period of time versus those that didn’t? Follow your bliss and what made you feel alive.


32 2. Absent Aka direct access methods:
Work well for people who never felt a strong sence of purpose beyond their Biological Purpose and are open to a psychospiritual method.


34 2. Absent Feel back as far as possible to “the root”. What activities and people did you feel drawn to as a child? What could you express and what not? What pains you the most? What absences to you want to absent? What is your vision and contribution for a better world?


36 1. Vision: ​The end result of successfully embodying your purpose. 2
1. Vision: ​The end result of successfully embodying your purpose. 2. Values: ​The essential ideals for which you want your life to stand Core Powers: ​The natural soul level abilities that you were born with Essence: ​The core of who you are without doing anything Giveaway: ​What you actually offer to people to transform them. ​6. Task: ​A mission, calling, or (seat) assignment that you undertake to support your vision. 7. Message: ​A single fundamental truth you are designed to propagate Delivery System: The outward system (job, career) through which you offer your gifts.

37 3. Ego Transcending Work well for people who sense that there is a higher power (God), intelligance, spirit or evolutions purpose that operates outside themselves and at that they can allign themselves with when they transcend their Ego (false or separate sense of self).


39 3. Ego Transcending Who are you if you are not your body, not your thoughts, not your feelings, not your experience? What is alive in you right now in this moment without pain of the past or fear of the future? “Do you have the patience to wait  Till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving Till the right action arises by itself?” (Lao Tsu)


41 4. Ego Affirming Work well for people who clearly sense what their gifts to world are, but they are afraid of their own power and therfore hold back to shine their light and live large.


43 4. Ego Affirming What are your limiting beliefs about yourself and how God or the Universe wants to work through you? What are you afraid off to fully shine your light into the world? Who are you not to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?


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