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Milankovitch Cycle Evolution and Uncertainty

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Presentation on theme: "Milankovitch Cycle Evolution and Uncertainty"— Presentation transcript:

1 Milankovitch Cycle Evolution and Uncertainty
Dave Waltham

2 Outline Croll-Milankovitch cycles Application to cyclostratigraphy
Earth-Moon system evolution The time-varying drag problem Time-evolution of CM cycles and their (big) uncertainties Beware!

3 Croll-Milankovitch Cycles

4 Cyclostratigraphy Wu et al, Time-calibrated Milankovitch cycles for the late Permian, Nature Communications

5 Earth-Moon System Evolution

6 Earth-Moon System Evolution
da/dt = f a-5.5

7 Earth-Moon System Evolution

8 Earth-Moon System Evolution

9 Time Varying Drag f = 2.01±0.03 x 1038 m6.5 s-1

10 Time-Varying Drag f = 6.85±0.08 x 1037 m6.5 s-1 = (0.344±0.004) f0
Don Dixon

11 Time-Varying Drag OR

12 Time-Varying Drag Stochastic Variation Log-normal variation
f = exp( m + s 2/2 ) Secular Increase Resonance in oceans is predicted to peak when day length ~ 27 hours (Webb, 1982)

13 Time-Varying Drag Stochastic variation Monte-Carlo Simulation
Secular increase Exponential approximation

14 Time-Varying Drag Geological Constraints Tidal Rhythmites
Only really good ones are from Elatina/Reynella (Williams, 1989, 2000; Deubner, 1990) 620±20 Ma f = (0.51±0.02) f0

15 Time-Varying Drag

16 Time-Varying Obliquity

17 Time-Varying Obliquity

18 Web-based Tool

19 Beware!

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