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Final practice CS1050: Understanding and Constructing Proofs

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1 Final practice CS1050: Understanding and Constructing Proofs
Spring 2006 Final practice This work is carried by Jarek Rossignac and one of his PhD students, Jason Williams Jarek Rossignac

2 Logical operators Sets Propositions Bit strings n for each n
n for at least one n  empty set sS s is an element of S sS s is an element of S S, !S elements not in S ST elements in S and T ST elements in S or T S–T ST ST (ST) – (ST) S=T S equals T S  T S included in T S  T S properly in T S  T Cartesian product Propositions T, F true, false ¬p, !p, p not p pq p and q pq p or q p  q, p ≠ q p xor q p  q p implies q p  q, p==q p same as q p  q, p  q p equivalent to q  therefore Bit strings S | T bitwise OR S & T bitwise AND S << n shift left by n bits

3 Logic When is (pq)  (rs) true? When is (p  q) true?
When is “If today is Friday, then 2+3=4” true? What is the contrapositive of (p  q)? Express “You may access the Internet (a) only if you are a computer science major (c) or if you are not a freshman (f).” as a logic statement

4 Logic Solution When is (pq)  (rs) true? When is (p  q) true?
When 1 or 3 are false When is (p  q) true? When q is true and when (q is faslse and p true) When is “If today is Friday, then 2+3=4” true? Everyday except Friday What is the contrapositive of (p  q)? q  p Express “You may access the Internet (a) only if you are a computer science major (c) or if you are not a freshman (f).” as a logic statement (a  c  f)

5 What is the list of rules of inference?
Addition p  pq Simplification pq  p Conjunction (p)(q)  pq Modus ponens p(p q)  q Modus tollens ¬q(p q)  ¬p Hypothetical syllogism (pq)(qr)  (pr) Disjunctive syllogism (pq)¬p  q Resolution (pq)(¬pr)  (qr)

6 Quantifiers and arguments
For what universe of discourse is (x, x<x2) true? G(t) means teacher t is great. Translate “All teachers are great” into logic. Ten write its negation. Assume “If you send me (p), I will finish the program (q). Otherwise I will go to bed early (r)”. “If I go to bed early, I will wake up happy (s)”. Prove “If I do not finish the program, I will wake up happy”

7 Quantifiers and arguments solutions
For what universe of discourse is (x, x<x2) true? x<0 or x>1 G(t) means teacher t is great. Translate “All teachers are great” into logic. Ten write its negation. t G(t) t G(t) Assume “If you send me (p), I will finish the program (q). Otherwise I will go to bed early (r)”. “If I go to bed early, I will wake up happy (s)”. Prove “If I do not finish the program, I will wake up happy” p  q Hypothesis ¬q  ¬p Contrapositive ¬p  r Hypothesis ¬q  r Hypothetical Syllogism from 2) and 3) r  s Hypothesis ¬q  s Hypothetical Syllogism

8 More proofs Prove C from H1 and H2
H1: “If you do all the exercises (p), then you will get an A (q)” H2: “You got an A (q)” C: “You did all the exercises (p)” Prove: “If n is an odd integer, then n2 is an odd integer”

9 More proofs solutions Prove C from H1 and H2
H1: “If you do all the exercises (p), then you will get an A (q)” H2: “You got an A (q)” C: “You did all the exercises (p)” Cannot! This is a fallacy of affirming the conclusion: (pq)q  p Maybe you got an A because you are a genius! Prove: “If n is an odd integer, then n2 is an odd integer” Suppose that n is odd. Then, there is an integer k such that n=2k+1. Hence, n2=(2k+1)2 = 4k2+4k+1 = 2(2k2+2k) +1 Thus n2 is odd.

10 Indirect proofs Prove “If 3n+2 is odd, then n is odd”
Prove “n integer and n2 odd  n odd”

11 Indirect proofs solutions
Prove “If 3n+2 is odd, then n is odd” Suppose that n not odd (i.e., n is even). Then there is an integer k such that n=2k. Hence, 3n+2 = 3(2k)+2 = 2(3k+1) Thus 3n+2 is not odd. Prove “n integer and n2 odd  n odd” Assume n is even: k n=2k Then n2=2(2k2) Hence n2 is not odd

12 Sets and CSG C A B What are De-morgan laws Prove A(BC)=(AB)(AC)
CSG expression S for the figure Convert S to positive form Compute the path of A Compute the active zone for a primitive Render the active zone A B

13 Sets and CSG solutions C A B C A B What are De-morgan laws
!(AB) = !A!B , !(AB) = !A!B Prove A(BC)=(AB)(AC) CSG expression S for the figure S = A – (B – C) Convert S to positive form S=A(B’+C) Compute the path of A Root Compute the active zone for a primitive Z= B’+C Render the active zone A B C A B

14 Sorting Code for bubble sort
for (i=0; i<n-1; i++) { for (j=0; j<n-1-i; j++) if (a[j+1] < a[j]) { t=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1]=t; } // next j } // next i Produce a balanced search tree for 1,3,4,6,7,8,9 and explain the search steps for 5.

15 Complexity Prove that log2n is O(n) When is a problem tracktable?
n < 2n log2n < n log22 = n (taking the log2 on both sides) hence log2n is O(n) When is a problem tracktable? When is it solvable in polynomial time When is a problem NP? When we believe that the problem is not tractable but can check a solution in polynomial time When is a problem NP complete? When it falls in a class of NP problems such that if a polynomial solution exists for one, then there exist polynomial solutions for the others Give an example of an NP complete problem Find whether a Boolean function in n variables can be satisfied

16 Graphs How to compute the graph-distance from a vertex s?
What is the complexity of that algorithm?

17 Integers Prove that if a divides b and c, it divides their sum
a | b  xZ b=xa , a | c  yZ c=ya, b+c=xa+ya=(x+y)a What is the fundamental thorem of arithmetic Every integer greater than 1 can be written uniquely as a product of one or more primes (“divisors”) of non-decreasing size What are (–11 div 3) and (–11 mod 3) ? –4 (a=dq+r with 0≤r<d : –11=3(–4)+1) (a=dq+r with 0≤r<d : –11=3(–4)+1) What is the binary expansion of 241? Use the euclidean algorithm to compute gcd(662,414) Use gcd(bq+r,b)=gcd(b,r) gcd(662,414)=gcd(414•1+248,414) gcd(414,248)=gcd(248•1+166, 248) gcd(248,166)=gcd(248=166•1+82 ,166) gcd(166,82)=gcd(82•2+2,82) gcd(82,2)=gcd(2•41+0, 2)= 2

18 Coordinates and matrices
How to change coordinate systems? How to express these changes using matrices?

19 Change of coordinate system
v = p – o x = v  i y = v  j o i j p x y xo yo xi yi yp xp Local Global p = o + xi + yj matrix form with homogeneous coordinates 1 yp xp yo xo yj xj yi xi = y x

20 Sequences Formulae and sums for arithmetic / geometric progressions

21 Sequences solutions Formulae and sums for arithmetic / geometric progressions {a+nd}, ∑k=0n(k) = (n+1)n/2 {arn}, ∑k=0n(rk) = (rn+1–1)/(r–1) for r≠1

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