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Regional Collaboration on Water Supply Issues

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1 Regional Collaboration on Water Supply Issues
Joint City Council and Water Commission Meeting April 10, 2018

2 Why Collaborate? Regional collaboration and coordination is strongly supported by both the state and local policy. Examples include: 1983 Urban Water Management Planning Act and locally developed and adopted UWMPs 2002 Integrated Water Regional Management Planning Act, and locally developed and adopted IRWMPs 2015 California Water Plan 2015 Council adopted recommendations of the Water Supply Advisory Committee

3 Examples of Ongoing Regional Water Supply Planning Collaborations
Integrated Regional Water Management Planning 2015 Plan Update Ongoing Plan implementation – e.g., planning for reliable, affordable water to disadvantaged communities Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Active engagement in both the Santa Cruz Mid-County and Santa Margarita Groundwater Agencies and Groundwater Sustainability Planning

4 Implementing Council Adopted WSAC Recommendations related to Regional Planning:
2016 MOU with Soquel Creek Water District for pilot program on water transfers Significant ongoing efforts focused on water quality compatibility; Ongoing operational analysis and planning 2017 MOA with Santa Margarita basin water districts and the County to explore conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in the basin Focus on water supply availability and infrastructure

5 Regional efforts related to natural resources planning and management:
San Lorenzo 2025, a regional partnership focused on overall watershed health and improving aquatic ecosystems Focused on obtaining funding for existing projects and strategy Long term monitoring for juvenile steelhead in regional streams Focused on understanding long term population trends for threatened steelhead trout


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