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Southern Colonies Chapter 7.

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1 Southern Colonies Chapter 7

2 1. What kind of worker did many Southern colonists hire to buy and sell goods for them in England?
a broker an overseer a planter a proprieter

3 2. What was the main cash crop grown in the southern areas of the Southern Colonies?
indigo rice tobacco wheat

4 3. What was the main cash crop grown in the northern areas of the Southern Colonies?
indigo rice tobacco wheat

5 4. Where was the first settlement in North America for free Africans located?
Spanish Florida French Louisiana the Massachusetts Colony the Pennsylvania Colony

6 5. Which port city is located in Georgia?
Baltimore Charles Town Savannah Wilmington

7 6. What caused conflicts to develop between Southern colonists and their Native American neighbors? Select all that apply The colonists settled on Native Americans’ land and destroyed villages. Some colonists did not treat Native Americans justly. Some colonists captured them and sold them into slavery. Many Native Americans died of European diseases.

8 How did some enslaved Africans deal with the hardships of their lives?
Select all that apply They tried to rebel against slavery by breaking tools, pretending to be sick, or working slowly. They kept their culture alive by telling stories and singing songs about Africa. Christianity became a source of strength for some enslaved people. They took a boat back to Africa.

9 8. Where did most enslaved Africans work in the Southern Colonies?
in port cities in the backcountry on plantations on ships

10 9. Which port city is located in Maryland?
Baltimore Norfolk Savannah Wilmington

11 10. To which region does the word “backcountry” refer?
the Coastal Plain Chesapeake Bay the Piedmont the Interior Plains

12 11. Which port city is located in North Carolina?
Charles Town Norfolk Wilmington Savannah

13 12. Which Southern Colony did James Oglethorpe help found?
Georgia Maryland South Carolina Virginia

14 13. Which port city is located in South Carolina?
Baltimore Charles Town Norfolk Wilmington

15 from Chesapeake Bay to the Gulf of Mexico
14. Which of the following describes the area included in the original colony of Carolina? from Chesapeake Bay to the Gulf of Mexico from Virginia to Spanish Florida from North Carolina to French Louisiana Wilmington

16 15. Which port city is located in Virginia?
Norfolk Savannah Wilmington Baltimore

17 16. Which of the following documents allowed religious freedom to all Christians in the Maryland colony? Mayflower Compact Fundamental Orders The Frame of Government of Maryland Toleration Act

18 17. Who founded the Maryland Colony to give Catholics a safe place to worship?
James Ogelthorpe King Charles II Lord Baltimore the Lords Proprietors

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