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GIFTED CHILDFIND Roanoke City Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "GIFTED CHILDFIND Roanoke City Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIFTED CHILDFIND Roanoke City Schools

2 What is ChildFind? All 2nd Graders in the state of Alabama are screen for gifted services.

3 Screening Process Transformations – 1-5 Writing Sample – 1-5
NNAT2 – 0 (<115), 1 ( ), 2 ( ), 3 ( ), 4 ( ), 5 ( ) TABs – 5=47-50pts., 4=38-46pts., 3=14-37pts., 2=5-13pts., 1=1-4pts

4 TABs Traits, Aptitudes, and Behavior
Identification of gifted children from varying cultural and economic groups Ten TABs which have been found through research to be consistently associated with the psychological construct of giftedness

5 10 TABs Motivation Interests Communication skills Humor
Problem-Solving ability Inquiry Leadership Reasoning Creativity/Imagination Insight

6 Placing Kids in Quadrants Things to Think About
10% of the population is gifted (2 out of 20) 50% of referrals place gifted About 20% of your population should be referred TAB Scores and Quadrants Go Hand in Hand Don’t stick to percentages if you feel strongly about more

7 Observational Procedures:
Give each child equal consideration on each behavior characteristic. This point is most important. When you observe students for a specific behavior characteristic, be careful not to overlook anyone in the group. Be aware of your biases: Everyone is biased for or against certain students. This is as natural as liking or disliking certain foods, clothes, or sports. The important thing is to recognize your biases and make allowances for them. If you like a student, you may see more good qualities in him/her than he/she actually has. On the other hand, if you find it hard to like a student, you may find it difficult to see good qualities in him/her.

8 “To see things in seed, that is genius.” Lao-tzu

9 Please call Donna Hodges, 334-863-6819 if you have any questions.

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