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1 Add this unit to your Table of contents!
Geologic Time Add this unit to your Table of contents!

2 A timeline of your education
If we made a timeline of your education, where would you fall?? What would we use as the scale? Grade level K 12 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4.6 billion years ago Present day Where would you fall on the timeline of the Earth’s history??

3 Fossils and Geologic Time
The geologic time scale organizes geologic and evolutionary events. It is based on evidence in the fossil record and has been shaped by mass extinctions.

4 How do extinctions shape Geologic Time?
Mass extinction- A large number of species become extinct After a mass extinction, opportunities open for new life-forms to emerge.

5 Geologic Time Scale Divisions of the Geologic Time Scale
Precambrian Era Paleozoic Era Mesozoic Era Cenozoic Era

6 The Precambrian Era 4.6 billion years ago – 542 million years ago
~88% of the earth’s history

7 Major Events Formation of the Earth’s crust from molten rock First appearance of life --- bacteria! First organisms could photosynthesize---- Oxygenated atmosphere First multi-cellular organisms

8 Major Events MASS Extinction- widespread glaciation
Geologists compared the Earth to a giant snowball during this time

9 DOMINATE ORGANISMS Bacteria Multicellular organisms
Cyanobacteria and stromatolites DOMINATE ORGANISMS Bacteria Multicellular organisms Fossils found in South Australia

10 Pictures of Precambrian Era Life and Fossils

11 The Paleozoic Era 542 million years ago million years ago

12 Major Events Cambrian explosion (of life)! Primitive fishes appear

13 Major Events Plants colonize land Insects and amphibians appear

14 Major Events Seed plants dominate land Reptiles become dominate

15 DOMINATE ORGANISMS Plants Fishes Insects Amphibians Reptiles

16 Pictures of Paleozoic life and fossils

17 4.6 billion years ago – 542 million years ago
Warm-up 10/16/13 1. What years did the Precambrian Era span? 4.6 billion years ago – 542 million years ago 2. What percentage of Earth’s history does the Precambrian Era account for? 88%

18 The Mesozoic Era 251 million years ago – 65.5 million years ago

19 Major Events Dinosaurs appear Mammals appear Birds appear
Flowering Plants appear

20 Major Events MASS EXTINCTION! - Hypothesized that the extinction occurred abruptly when a 10 km meteorite hit the Earth.

21 DOMINATE ORGANISMS Reptiles Dinosaurs Conifer trees Flowering Plants

22 Mesozoic Era pictures and fossils

23 The Cenozoic Era 65.5 million years ago – Present day

24 Major Events Mammals diversify (age of the mammals)
Forests dominate land Grasslands appear

25 DOMINATE ORGANISMS Wooly Mammoth Primates Mammals Early humans

26 Cenozoic Era pictures and fossils


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