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Organizing Notes for Research

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing Notes for Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing Notes for Research
Our notes can become a confused jumble without some method to organize them properly.

2 Organizing Notes for Research
I suggest that you begin by taking notes on each source you use, keeping the notes for each source together, like this: Keep all the notes for your project in one file

3 Organizing Notes for Research
Now create a second file to organize those notes. Build the file around your outline

4 Organizing Notes for Research
For each heading in your outline, create a body of notes, taking excerpts from your original note file:

5 Organizing Notes for Research
If your notes start getting long, there is a way to hyperlink your outline to the relevant notes for that outline:

6 Organizing Notes for Research
Go up to your outline, highlight the relevant heading, and click on

7 Organizing Notes for Research
This will hyperlink your outline heading to the bookmark in your notes:

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