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Back to School Night 2017 Welcome to HMS!.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night 2017 Welcome to HMS!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night 2017 Welcome to HMS!

2 Homeroom 8:00-8:20 Arrive promptly to Homeroom
Homeroom citizenship grade If you’re running late, use Sherwood Dr. Morning announcements and flag salute Flyers and parent notices go home (Special place in notebook) 15 minutes of silent reading (Each child must bring SSR material) Mindfullness Mondays FINISH YOUR TREASURE LETTER

3 Treasure Letter: Due Friday 8/26
or write to Mr. Dahlstein why your child is a treasure to you. You may use any writing style. Please do not mention your child’s name in your writing. Have them return it in an envelope. I will read a few each day, students will try to identify the treasure. Forms are on counter in back.

4 NGSS Science has Arrived!
First Semester Traits: survival, reproduction, body systems Body Systems Genes Chromosomes Proteins Second Semester Genetic Mutations Earth’s Atmosphere Weather Climate

5 Science Weighted Grading
Homework – 20% Tests – 60% Labs – 20%

6 Accelerated Math Period 2
Text: California Math, Course 1, Your Common Core Edition Publisher: Course of Study (Quarters 1 & 2) Ratios and proportional reasoning Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Multiplication and division of fractions Integers and coordinate planes * Concentration on academic vocabulury

7 Math continued… 3rd & 4th Quarter Topics:
Think Smart Activities (Red Notebook) Equations Functions and inequalities Volume and surface area of polygons Statistical measures and displays 7th Grade (Selected lessons Ch. 1-4)

8 Math 6 (Period 4) Same Textbook and content as Accelerated Math program. More time on each topic. Smaller chunks of assessments Teacher’s aide provided for additional support. Reduced homework load (Fewer Problems) After school homework club? I’m available before school.

9 Weighted Grading Homework: 15% Quizzes/Projects 25% Tests: 50%
In-class Performance Tasks 10%

10 Ancillary Math Activities
AIMS Education Foundation Earthquake Towers and Testing Bridge Building Various online activities

11 Earthquake Tower Testing

12 PowerSchool PowerSchool is an electronic grade book application that delivers real-time information. Access through HMS website (parent portal) Tracks student records and progress Students and parents can view all assignment grades and attendance. ( Notifications?) PowerSchool is now open to view grades. (See Registrar for lost username & password)

13 Materials List *3 pens * Calculator * (3) pencils * Colored pencil set
*protractor * Ruler * Compass * Lined paper

14 Homework Check Binder Reminder each night Online Calendar/Website
Monday-Thursday Late homework will not be accepted Number of days sick= number of days to return work

15 Absent From School? Family comes first!
A simple note will suffice with parent signature.

16 How to Make Contact 299-7060 (ext. 2303) Monday - Friday 2:00-2:50
Prep Period: 1:10-1:50 Address:

17 Wonder Valley October 2-6 Depart HMS at 7:00 AM on Monday
5 hour bus ride to the Sierra foothills

18 Wonder Valley (Oct. 2-6) Your child will meet new friends
Delicious buffet style meals (All you can eat) Horseback riding Ropes course Sequoia National Park tour Native American studies Geology class Orienteering instruction Zoo to You! Rocketry class

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