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Use a ruler to underline your title

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1 Use a ruler to underline your title
It is a PCSA expectation that you always underline titles and date work. 7 December, 2018 The Khalsa Use a ruler to underline your title 13/03/15 Yr9 Ethics GTC Feb 2015

2 The Death of Guru Tegh Bahadur
The ruler of India wanted the people of India to convert to Islam. To do this, he decided to instruct all of the Hindu preachers in India to covert to Islam or face death. The Sikh guru decided to visit this leader to try and change his mind. The ninth guru was put to death by the then ruler of India as an example for what happens if you challenge his authority.

3 The Death of Guru Tegh Bahadur
This Gurdwara was built over the place where the guru was beheaded. Delhi is the capital city of India.

4 The Tenth Guru The ninth guru knew that there was a chance that he may not return from going to see the Emperor of India. Before going, he nominated his son (only 9 years old) to become the 10th guru. He became the leader of a large group of people who were being persecuted (picked on) by the then Emperor of India.

5 The most important meetings of all Sikhs
He held regular meetings of all Sikhs (started by the 3d guru). At one of these meetings he decided to do something to bring Sikhs together.

6 No one has the right to exploit the Sikh people.
The Test No one has the right to exploit the Sikh people. We should stand up and uphold right in every place. We must destroy hate and evil.

7 The Test Sikhs need to be brave and strong and fight for what you believe in. Who amongst you is willing to die for what you believe in.

8 I ask you again, who is prepared to die for what you believe in.
The Test I ask you again, who is prepared to die for what you believe in. I ask you one last time, is no one here willing stand up for their beliefs? I will guru

9 Come with me into my tent. I want to show you something.
The Test Come with me into my tent. I want to show you something.

10 The Test Who next will be prepared to die for what he believes ?
There's blood on his sword! He has killed the first person! 5 People in total volunteered

11 The Guru did other things that make all Sikhs equal and like a family.
You are my ‘beloved five’ (panj piare). To show that we are now all equal, we will perform the amrit ceremony to make you all full members of the Khalsa (the pure ones). The Test The Guru did other things that make all Sikhs equal and like a family.

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