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Body Paragraphs.

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1 Body Paragraphs

2 Today’s Objective Finish drafting body paragraphs using effective lead-ins and commentary

3 Sample Paragraph In the beginning, Odysseus is a prideful character motivated by recognition and pride. “There I sacked the city, killed the men, but as for the wives and plunder, that rich haul we dragged away from the place—we shared it round” ( ). “Then I urged them to cut and run, set sail, but would they listen?” ( ). Odysseus is the one who allows the men to sack the city, yet he seems bewildered when they won’t leave their feasting and partying to head back to the ships. First Sentence: claim about Odysseus with no evidence to support the claim. Who can give a specific example? Second and Third Senteces: Quotations from the text, but it is not clear where and when the quotes occurs. No concluding sentence.

4 Sample Paragraph In the beginning, Odysseus is a prideful character motivated by recognition and pride. On the way home from Troy, Odysseus and his men stopped to raid Ismarus, the home of the Cicones. Odysseus later admits that “[he] sacked the city, killed the men, but as for the wives and plunder, that rich haul we dragged away from the place—we shared it round” ( ). In Odysseus’s great pride after winning the Trojan War, he models dangerous behavior to his men, allowing them to feel entitled as they take food, wine, and women from the village. However, when it is time to leave, “[he] I urged them to cut and run, set sail, but would they listen?” ( ). Odysseus is the one who allows the men to sack the city, yet he seems bewildered when they won’t leave their feasting and partying to head back to the ships. Odysseus, in this grievous first error on his journey, proves that a man’s leadership is reflected by those under his charge. First Sentence: claim about Odysseus with no evidence to support the claim. Who can give a specific example? Second and Third Senteces: Quotations from the text, but it is not clear where and when the quotes occurs. No concluding sentence.

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