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Welcome to Exceptional Ed. Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Exceptional Ed. Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Exceptional Ed. Workshop
Please sit in groups. Thanks. November 15, 2017 Margie Johnson, Ed.D.

2 NORMS Be engaged and willing to collaborate.
Show care and respect for the voices and opinions of others. Respect time and technology. Speak and have intentions that are purposeful and contribute to positive growth.

3 Our purpose is to foster a culture of collaboration to support student success.
--African Proverb

4 Today’s Outcomes Engage in a critical friends protocol for feedback.
Work on action plans. Identify next steps. Reflect upon our learning. Provide feedback about the work.

5 Critical Friends Protocol

6 Critical Friends

7 Critical Friends Protocol

8 Break

9 Accomplishments So Far…..
Engaged in a critical friends protocol for feedback.

10 Collaborative Learning Cycle
Activating and Engaging Exploring and Discovering Managing Modeling Mediating Monitoring Organizing and Integrating --Lipton, L. & Wellman, B. (2012

11 To Finish Our Time Together….

12 Next Steps

13 What might be some next steps for this work?

14 Wrap-Up, Reflection, and Feedback

15 Wrap-Up Engaged in a critical friends protocol for feedback.
Worked on action plans. Identified next steps. Now……Reflect upon our learning. Now…Provide feedback about the work.

16 Exit Ticket Reflection
Given what we have discussed and learned today, what might be 2-3 action steps I take?

17 Feedback--- How Was Today’s Meeting
Individually Use a post-it note to provide feedback.

18 MNPS Collaborative Inquiry Toolkit

19 References Lipton, L. & Wellman, B. (2017). Data-driven Dialogue: A facilitator's guide to collaborative inquiry. Charlotte, VT: MiraVia, LLC.

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