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Space and Time Prof. Brad Dowden Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento.

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Presentation on theme: "Space and Time Prof. Brad Dowden Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space and Time Prof. Brad Dowden Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento

2 What is time?

3 physical time vs. psychological time

4 Time enables us to place events in sequence one after the other, to compare how long an event lasts, to tell when an event occurs.

5 Can Fridays last longer than Saturdays?

6 According to the definition of time travel, the travelers journey as judged by the travelers clock takes a different amount of time than the journey does as judged by the clocks of those who do not take the journey.

7 Theres a way now for you to visit Sacramento in 2188 (In case of a zombie attack be sure to take this kit with you).

8 How long does it take to fall into a black hole?


10 A wormhole can be a time machine.

11 The grandfather paradox Im from your future.

12 Paradox of Free Information In 2077, time machines are invented. In 2099 Jones discovers a drug that cures cancer. Jones patents her drug in 2100. In 2121 Smith makes a copy of the patent, enters a time machine, and goes back and gives the copy to Jones in 2099 who then uses it to create a drug that cures cancer. Who had the idea first?

13 What is space?

14 Can space move or is it stuck where it is?

15 After you take all energy and matter out of space, what is left?

16 Newton vs. Leibniz

17 Kant


19 How can we create new space?

20 Hubble discovered galaxies, and discovered that galaxy red-shift indicates galaxies are receding from us.


22 What is the Big Bang?

23 To create an apple pie from scratch you should start by…

24 …creating the universe.

25 Could space be disconnected the way two balls are not connected?

26 How else did Einsteins theory of relativity change our ideas about space and time?

27 Spacetime: How do you put (all at once) a rigid yardstick in a cubic box one foot on a side?

28 What did Einstein mean by saying time is relative?

29 What is meant by saying space is a continuum?

30 So, how DO WE KNOW our space is not discrete? Is this a good answer? Well, its just obvious to me. So, how do we know whether our space is discrete?

31 What difference would it make to our experience if space were not a continuum?

32 Discrete or atomistic space 4 5

33 Pythagorean Theorem a 2 + b 2 = c 2 4 5 5

34 If so, would it be time to INVENT a new geometry?

35 Who solved Zenos Paradoxes?

36 Have dinosaurs slipped out of reality?


38 What is the shape of space?

39 What is the Multi- verse?



42 More philosophy of time…

43 Why does time seem to have an arrow?

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