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EMA Forum Presentation November 2007

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1 EMA Forum Presentation November 2007
AUMA Presentation 12/7/2018 Confidential

2 Business Problem / Opportunity
RCMP and GoA Two-Way Radio Communications System is At End of Life Fire, Police, EMA and GoA Agencies Two-way Radio Communications Does Not Work Together due to Separate and Disparate Systems. First Responders Agencies Respond to Disasters Outside Their Jurisdiction without Two-Way Radio Communications. Coverage Limitations due to Growth Pressures 12/7/2018 Confidential

3 Objectives Improve Public Safety for Albertans
Improve First Responder Safety Increase Interoperability through a Common Shared Two-Way Radio System for First Responders Ensure Two-Way Radio Coverage For First Responses 12/7/2018 Confidential

4 Benefits More Coordinated and Effective Emergency Response Operations
Shared and Consistent Information Amongst First Responders Communities Could Better Support Neighboring Communities During an Emergency. Responsive, Reliable, Standard and Sustainable Two-Way Radio System Province-wide Coverage 12/7/2018 Confidential

5 AFRRCS Project Construct and Implement a Shared Province-wide First Responders Radio Communications System Implement AFRRCS Governance by First Responder Agencies Provide Agency Transformation and Migration 12/7/2018 Confidential

6 AFRRCS Value Proposition
Network Infrastructure, Maintenance, and Operations Costs are GoA Responsibility No Agency User Fees Variety of Radios with a range in Unit Costs System is Governed by First Responders Through GoA Radio System is Managed and Operated by Service Alberta Growth is Maintained Through GoA Capital Re-Investment First Responders have Extended Coverage 12/7/2018 Confidential

7 Municipalities Municipal First Responder sign up is voluntary
Gateways (short term and permanent) End user costs (radio), P-25 standard 700 MHz 911/dispatch Early adopters 12/7/2018 Confidential

8 Unique Fire Agency Requirements
Paging System Alerting System Status/Message System Vehicle Location System (GPS) Coverage to include Building Penetration Hands-Free and Large Push Button Activation Remote Speaker capabilities Simplex Mode Command and Control SCBA Interconnects 12/7/2018 Confidential

9 System Challenges to Fire Agencies
Audio quality Channel Capacity Frequency Bands Analog verses Digital Conventional verses Trunked Critical Building Coverage Interoperability with Other Municipal Agencies Protection of Existing Investment Radio Replacement Costs 12/7/2018 Confidential

10 AFRRCS Current Status Four Pre-Qualified Vendors are Selected By First Responders Evaluation Team RFP is being prepared for Release Governance Structure and Agency Charters are Defined and Ready Development of User Level Agreement has been Initiated 12/7/2018 Confidential

11 Project Schedule/Next Steps
Release AFRRCS Invitational RFP – November 2007 April 2008 – Design Level 1 Competition May 2008 – Treasury Board Funding Gate May to September 2008 Vendor Selection and Award Contract October to March 2011– Build/Transition Governance Oct 2007 – February User Service Level Agreement Development May – Governance Implementation 12/7/2018 Confidential

12 Proposed Rollout Strategy
Construction and Implementation by Census Divisions Migration of GoA and RCMP by Completed Census Division Migration of Early Adopter Based on Need 12/7/2018 Confidential

13 Questions and Answers Contact Information Bill Meade, Special Projects, Solicitor General and Public Security, Government of Alberta Phone: (780)427 – 3148 Alan Melenka, Project Manager, Service Alberta, Government of Alberta Phone: (780)422 – 9707 12/7/2018 Confidential

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