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Objective of today To explore whether and how the learning platform concept can be institutionalised after project closure Last year of inclusive VCC project.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective of today To explore whether and how the learning platform concept can be institutionalised after project closure Last year of inclusive VCC project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective of today To explore whether and how the learning platform concept can be institutionalised after project closure Last year of inclusive VCC project.

2 LPs: arenas of inclusive learning
Accomodate farmers’ knowledge Share ‘innovations from below’ Allow farmers to voice their concerns Facilitate interactions across sectors & levels We don’t take expert knowledge for granted

3 Learning platforms in inclusive VCC project
EXPLAIN NEGOTIATED KNOWLEDGE DESIGN EXPLORE DESCRIBE Drivers of landscape change, livelihood trajectories, agency, innovation capacity Design opportunities & joint methodology Landscape change, farmer heterogeneity, knowledge sharing & learning environment Scenario development, innovations from below, inclusive learning processes Fig. 1 Schematic overview of the iterative research cycle (freely after Giller et al. 2008)

4 Learning platform = interactive knowledge sharing & joint learning
Researchers DAs, chiefs, etc. Farmers Buyers Extension officers = interactive knowledge sharing & joint learning

5 Knowledge sharing & learning environment: challenges & opportunities
Value proposition of the LP Qs: For whom? With whom? What purpose? What features? How does the current LP fit in? Qs: Where are we now? On the right track? Strengths & weaknesses? Any change? Co-design Qs: How to move forward? What ideas? Which actors & what roles? What/whose knowledge? What activities? Frequency? Challenges? How to deal with them? Action plan for self-sustaining LP – including milestones

6 Knowledge sharing & learning environment: challenges & opportunities
Value proposition of the LP Qs: For whom? With whom? What purpose? What features? How does the current LP fit in? Qs: Where are we now? On the right track? Strengths & weaknesses? Any change? Co-design Qs: How to move forward? What ideas? Which actors & what roles? What/whose knowledge? What activities? Frequency? Challenges? How to deal with them? Action plan for self-sustaining LP – including milestones

7 Knowledge sharing & learning environment: challenges & opportunities
Value proposition of the LP Qs: For whom? With whom? What purpose? What features? How does the current LP fit in? Qs: Where are we now? On the right track? Strengths & weaknesses? Any change? Co-design Qs: How to move forward? What ideas? Which actors & what roles? What/whose knowledge? What activities? Frequency? Challenges? How to deal with them? Action plan for self-sustaining LP – including milestones

8 Knowledge sharing & learning environment: challenges & opportunities
Value proposition of the LP Qs: For whom? With whom? What purpose? What features? How does the current LP fit in? Qs: Where are we now? On the right track? Strengths & weaknesses? Any change? Co-design Qs: How to move forward? What ideas? Which actors & what roles? What/whose knowledge? What activities? Frequency? Challenges? How to deal with them? Action plan for self-sustaining LP – including milestones

9 Knowledge sharing & learning environment:
challenges & opportunities (Yves) Value proposition of the LP (Anna) Qs: For whom? With whom? What purpose? What features? How does the current LP fit in? (Mirjam) Qs: Where are we now? On the right track? Strengths & weaknesses? Any change? Co-design (all) Qs: How to move forward? What ideas? Which actors & what roles? What/whose knowledge? What activities? Frequency? Challenges? How to deal with them? Action plan for self-sustaining LP – including milestones

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