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YOUR VA BENEFITS Summer Session. MINI-TERMS When working with the VA it is best to view the 6 sessions throughout Summer as MINI-TERMS. Mini-Term Session.

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Presentation on theme: "YOUR VA BENEFITS Summer Session. MINI-TERMS When working with the VA it is best to view the 6 sessions throughout Summer as MINI-TERMS. Mini-Term Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 YOUR VA BENEFITS Summer Session

2 MINI-TERMS When working with the VA it is best to view the 6 sessions throughout Summer as MINI-TERMS. Mini-Term Session 6 1 week Jun 18-22 Mini-Term Session 1 11 weeks June 25- Sept 7 Mini-Term Session 2 4 weeks June 25-Jul 20 Mini-Term Session 3 8 weeks June 25- Aug 17 Mini-Term Session 4 4 weeks July 23-Aug 17 Mini-Term Session 5 3 weeks Aug 20-Sep 7

3 MINI-TERMS cont. Mini-Term Session 6 1 week Jun 18-22 Mini-Term Session 1 11 weeks June 25-Sept 7 Mini-Term Session 2 4 weeks June 25-Jul 20 Mini-Term Session 3 8 weeks June 25-Aug 17 Mini-Term Session 4 4 weeks July 23-Aug 17 Mini-Term Session 5 3 weeks Aug 20-Sep 7 Each Mini-Term gets certified independently and is viewed as its own term by the VA

4 Credit formulas for each Mini-Term Session/Mini-TermRequirements for Full-Time Enrollment Requirements for Half-Time Enrollment 1 week session1 creditN/A 3 week session3 credits2 credits 4 week session4 credits2 credits 8 week session8 credits4 credits 11 week sessions*12 credits6 credits *Full-Time for Graduate students would be 9 credits, half time is 5 credits.

5 Overlaps This formula is calculated by the VA. We as Certifying Officials do not calculate overlaps in schedules. For example. If you are enrolled in courses during Session 2 half time (2 credits) and during Session 3 for (6 credits). Because the dates of the two Mini-Terms overlap (June 25- July 20) the credits from Session 2 and Session 3 may be counted towards full time during the dates posted above. When you add 2 credits and 6 credits you equal 8 credits, which is considered full-time for Session 3 and the 6 added to the 2 brings you to full-time for Session 2. Standing alone both sessions are considered Part-Time.

6 Overlaps cont. When Session 2 is complete (on July 20 th ) the overlap discontinues and you will be considered as part-time for the remainder of Session 3 Session 2 4 weeks June 25- July 20 Session 3 8 weeks June 25-Aug 17 2 credits 6 credits OVERLAP Ends July 20

7 Gaps Gaps between terms happen when you are registered for more than one Mini-Term and there is a GAP between them. For Example, Session 2 (June 25-Jul 20) and Session 5 (Aug 20-Sep 7) have a one month gap between terms and no overlapping occurs. The VA will not pay benefits during any term that classes are not being attended (i.e. Gaps) THIS WILL AFFECT YOUR BAH.

8 Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) The BAH is a bonus supplement to your benefits and it should NOT be relied on to make ends meet. Due to the fact that it generally takes approximately 30 days to receive your benefits after certifying to the VA the BAH may not arrive in a timely manner.

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