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Our Need to Confess (1) Matthew 10:32-33
What do we need to confess toward salvation?
What is confession? 1) To admit to something - usually guilt 2) To declare one’s beliefs We see both in society 1) Criminals confess, or people confess wrongs 2) We take stands for our beliefs and those who hold them (e.g. politics)
What is confession? In the Bible: 1) We are guilty of sin and we need to confess our sins 2) We need to confess Christ As part of becoming a Christian As Christians, throughout our lives
What is confession? In the Bible: Typically, the word used in Greek (ὁμολογέω, homologeō) is dealing with a public or open acknowledgment It also often declares agreement with another (standing with them - Such as confessing Christ)
What is confession? Three elements for true confession:
You believe something in your heart to be true You decide to stand up for what you believe, even publicly You open your mouth and/or live so that you profess or declare your beliefs
What is confession? Confession in the Bible
John the Baptist – John 1:20, “I am not the Christ” 1 John 1:9, confessing our sins Acts 19:18, confessing their deeds Confessing Christ Hold fast your confession – Hebrews 4:14, 10:23
The “good confession” Do we need to confess as part of becoming a Christian? Yes! We must acknowledge our belief in Jesus before being immersed 1 Peter 3:20-21, the answer of a good conscience (understanding of what we are doing)
The “good confession” Do we need to confess as part of becoming a Christian? It is NOT confessing that we are already saved or forgiven It is NOT a confession of sins (though repentance will include that)
The “good confession” Do we need to confess as part of becoming a Christian? Romans 10:9-10, with the heart we believe, and with the mouth you confess the Lord Jesus This confession precedes baptism– Acts 2:38, 22:16, 1 Peter 3:21 Baptism is meaningless without belief and acknowledging Jesus as Lord
The “good confession” Do we need to confess as part of becoming a Christian? 1 Timothy 6:12-13, Timothy made “the good confession” What was this confession? Jesus before Pilate – Matthew 27:11, John 18: Jesus is our king (Lord) This confession was before “many witnesses”
The “good confession” Do we need to confess as part of becoming a Christian? Acts 8:36-38, Philip studying with the Eunuch. Philip preached Christ to him, and he desired to be baptized. An example of this confession It occurred before baptism.
The “good confession” Do we need to confess as part of becoming a Christian? Acts 8:36-38, NOTE: Some translations omit or bracket this confession. It is absent in the earliest manuscripts. Almost always, there is a footnote. It has fairly early attestation including a 2nd century reference (Irenaeus)
The “good confession” Do we need to confess as part of becoming a Christian? Acts 8:36-38, NOT in earliest mss Did the Eunuch need to confess his belief? We still have Romans 10 & 1 Timothy 6 As with ALL variants, there is NO doctrine totally dependent on a questionable text.
What do we confess? Jesus is the Son of God
Matthew 16:15-16,Peter to Jesus John 1:49 – Nathaniel (see John 1:1-3, Matthew 26:63-65) John 9:35-38 – the blind man John 11:27 – Mary to Jesus
What do we confess? Jesus is the Son of God
We need to understand WHO Jesus is. He is the God with us! Not some special, created being 1 John 4:15 –whoever confesses Jesus as the Son of God…
What do we confess? Jesus is the Christ
The Anointed One. God’s intended Savior. He was prophesied about (cf. Isaiah 53), Ephesians 3:10-11 Matthew 16:15-18 – Peter, also confessed He is the Christ 1 Timothy 6:12-13 – as made by Christ Jesus
What do we confess? Jesus is Savior We are sinners and need salvation.
John 4:42 – the Samaritans confessed Jesus as Savior 1 Timothy 1:15 – this is a faithful saying, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief…
What do we confess? Jesus is Lord
He has saved us from sin, and now He is our King. He is our Master. We need to understand this when we become Christians! Acts 2:36 – God has made Him both Lord and Christ Romans 10:9-10 – confess the Lord Jesus Luke 6:46, why call Me Lord and do not do the things that I say?
What do we confess? Clearly, we need to understand who Jesus is when we obey the gospel We need to confess Him. There is NO set and binding pattern, or creedal statement to say, but it must be CLEAR we know who He is and are willing to publicly profess that!
The only question is, WHEN will we confess Him as Lord?
Philippians 2:11 Romans 14:11 – every knee will bow and every tongue will confess The only question is, WHEN will we confess Him as Lord?
Are you willing to confess Him?
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