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About SSE. Energy Suppliers’ Role in Addressing Energy Poverty Fiona Hannon Head of Regulation, SSE Ireland.

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Presentation on theme: "About SSE. Energy Suppliers’ Role in Addressing Energy Poverty Fiona Hannon Head of Regulation, SSE Ireland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Suppliers’ Role in Addressing Energy Poverty Fiona Hannon Head of Regulation, SSE Ireland

2 About SSE

3 Energy Poverty Fuel poverty occurs at the nexus of: Income
Cost of energy Energy efficiency of home Meeting the Cost of Energy: Income Supports Consumer Protection Pay as You Go Meters Switching Supplier to Manage Cost

4 Energy Supply

5 Energy Services

6 Partnerships ‘Warming up Watergate’ – 100 unit apartment complex

7 Partnerships ‘Connolly Lodge’ – Buckingham Street Homeless Accommodation Internal dry-lining, LEDs, multi-zone heating controls Solar PV, attic insulation, triple-glazing, draughtproof membrane

8 Innovation – Empowered Energy Citizen
Project Partners EirGrid – ESB Networks – Intel – University of Oxford Electricity Research Centre – SSE Airtricity

9 Real Value Video

10 Ireland’s Project Progress and Future Outlook
1st Half: June ‘15 – Dec ‘16 2nd Half: Jan ‘17 – June ‘18 Focused on end to end technology solution development Back-loaded recruitment with over 200 homes installed, predominantly fuel poor households System integrated with electric storage heating and hot water (pseudo batteries) Mobile app user interface built Full integration with customer management systems & billing Energy load shifting outside normal operating times Prove and measure power system service capabilities - target up to 5MW of flexible load. Test speed of response and duration of response. Integration with domestic batteries and micro generation (solar PV), smart plugs and exploring the possibility of integrating Electric Vehicles Recruitment of a further 350 properties – mix of domestic and small scale commercial. End to end solution

11 Connected Home / Energy
SSE Customer SSE remote heating and home control through the mobile app – including heating & smart plugs* Personalised data on household energy use / management Extended to smart plugs & other flexible domestic load Greater insight into customer energy & behaviour* Energy usage comparison between similar demographics and household types Remote diagnostics for enhanced customer management New ancillary products and services: including heating control, energy services etc.

12 Thank You

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