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Q: Do you feel that Americans buy too many products? Why or why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Q: Do you feel that Americans buy too many products? Why or why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Q: Do you feel that Americans buy too many products? Why or why not?
Bell work – 5 minutes Q: Do you feel that Americans buy too many products? Why or why not? A: Turn in your article Check your calendar and write in your planner. Reference page due tomorrow (100 word summary)

2 Q: Give an example where you would use a cost-benefit analysis. A:
Bell work – 5 minutes Q: Give an example where you would use a cost-benefit analysis. A: Environmental Science Pg. 37 Check your calendar and write in your planner. Saturday school is this weekend from 9-12pm

3 I can form an opinion on human consumption of goods.
Learning target I can form an opinion on human consumption of goods. Today I am… watching a short video about how goods are produced and disposed of. So that I’ll be able to… understand the environmental impacts of the goods we use. I’ll know I’ve got it when… I can form a personal opinion on consumption of goods and answer all reflection questions.

4 How do we get the things we need/want?
Many materials for the items we love or need get extracted from the Earth!

5 The story of stuff We have a problem with stuff. We use too much, too much of it is toxic and we don’t share it well. Together, we can build a society based on better not more, sharing not selfishness, community not division.

6 What’s the point? I want us to think about the products we use, the way we shop, how much we shop and consider if we are doing these things in a sustainable way.

7 Who created the video? “We’re a community of problem solvers — parents, community leaders, teachers and students, people of faith, entrepreneurs, scientists and more — working to create a healthy and just world.”

8 Who created the video? The Story of Stuff Project’s journey began with a 20-minute online movie about the way we make, use and throw away all the stuff in our lives.

9 Story of stuff – 21 mins

10 Complete all questions – 5 mins
Discussion about bell work

11 Group discussion - Whiteboard
What kinds of products do you throw out after one or two uses? Do you buy all brand-name items? Why are dollar store products so cheap to buy? 4. Would you get a new phone even if there was nothing wrong with your current one?

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